Chapter Twenty Six

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I waited for Tyler to show up at my house later that day but he didn't come and his calls and texts went unanswered. I was starting to get worried as it wasn't like him.

What if he is still stuck at work?

What if something bad happened to him?

Like an accident or..

What if he changed his mind about us?

Neither of my 'what ifs' made me calm down. I was freaking out and losing my mind at the same time.

I was getting restless and kept pacing around my room in worry. I was starting to miss him and I hated the feeling I had in the pit of my stomach. After a few minutes, I decided to give up and grabbed my car keys to go visit his house. I didn't care if I looked like a girl who was running behind a guy. Nothing made sense to me except Tyler and I just wanted to know if he was okay.

I drove to his house and reached it within five minutes as his house was located close to mine. Without wasting another second, I got out of my car and rang his doorbell. I patiently waited for someone to open the door and they finally did but I couldn't see anyone. I looked down to find Lily looking up at me with a huge grin plastered on her face that instantly made all of my worry disappear.

"Chloe! Yay! Mom, Chloe is here." She started to yell and pulled me inside. I looked around to find his dad and mom in the kitchen cooking and they immediately rushed towards me to greet me with a warm hug.

"Chloe, what a pleasant surprise! Why don't you sit down, dear? I'll get you something to drink." Tyler's mom looked genuinely happy and surprised to see me and went back inside the kitchen while I stood awkwardly in the middle of the living room, looking for her son who was nowhere to be seen.

"Water is fine, Mrs. Cummings." I called out and sat on the couch opposite his dad. Lily was running around and playing with her doll while I kept shifting in my seat impatiently.

"Did Tyler invite you, dear?"

"No, Mr.Cummings. I'm..uh...I came here looking for him since he didn't answer my calls. Is he here?" I asked, praying that they wouldn't ask too many questions about why I was looking for him. I wasn't sure if he had told his parents about us and I didn't want to be the one to tell them in case he wanted to wait.

"He told me he was working late today. He hasn't come home yet, dear." His mom answered, handing me a glass of water and I emptied the glass quickly and stood up to leave.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Cummings. I'll get going then. I guess he will call me or text me when he is free." I spoke and gave her a smile but her face fell in disappointment.

"Please stay for dinner, Chloe. Tyler should be home by then."

"No, it's okay, Mrs. Cummings. I'm not hungry. Some other time maybe." I gave her a tight hug and gave Lily a small kiss on her cheeks before saying goodbye to his family and leaving his house.

"What if he is still working?" I mumbled to myself as I started my car and decided to drive to my favourite restaurant where he worked. As I was driving , I saw a hooded figure walking by the sidewalk towards the direction of my house and I could easily tell that it was Tyler. I could spot that grey hoodie from anywhere. I hit the brakes immediately and got out of the car to stop him. He must have been on his way to my house.

Silly impatient me!

"Tyler!" I yelled and he stopped immediately and turned around to face me. He let out a huge breath and broke into a smile that almost took my breath away as he rushed towards me, pulling me into a tight hug and I felt blood rushing all over my body as relief washed over me. I inhaled his familiar scent that gave me comfort and closed my eyes shut, soaking in his warmth.

"What are you doing here driving around? Aren't you supposed to be at home waiting for your boyfriend?" he asked, still hugging me and now I felt embarrassed to tell him about my impatient trip to his house.

"This is going to sound silly. I was worried since you weren't answering my calls and texts so I went to your house." I replied, telling him the truth and he pulled back to look straight into my eyes in shock like he couldn't believe that I would do something so dumb and stupid.

"I was dumb and stupid. I was just scared and wanted to know if you were..."

He didn't let me finish my sentence and smashed his lips to mine, making my entire body come to life. I smiled against his lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck, all of my doubts and fears, leaving my body and he deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue inside my mouth, tasting and sucking on my bottom lip. I let out an involuntary moan that made him growl with need and I almost forgot that we were making out in the sidewalk in public.

"Chloe!" He breathed out, pulling back and resting his forehead against mine. I still had my eyes closed as my head was still spinning from the kiss.

"You are just perfect in every sense and God knows what I did to deserve you." He whispered, his voice thick with emotion and my heart flipped at his words.

"I was held up at work and I thought I would just meet you in person and apologize for being late." He explained with a small chuckle and I ran my fingers against his jawline with a smile.

"You are forgiven because of that kiss, Mr. Cummings." I teased him, biting my lips and he laughed a little, caressing my hair.

"Such low standards, princess. I have a lot of tricks up my sleeves but I guess I don't have to use those now." He teased me right back and I raised my eyebrows in a questioning manner.

"Now that I think about it, it's actually rude to make a girl wait. I think I am still a little bit mad at you." I answered and he burst out into laughter, kissing my cheeks and that was by far my favourite expression of him. Too bad I didn't have my phone on me to capture it.

"Let's go home. I'll drive." He stated and let go of me before he opened the car door and I got in, feeling happy and excited to spend time with him alone without any distractions.

"I think I'll start asking your forgiveness right from where we left off at my house." He added casually as he drove and I gave him a confused look.

"Hmm..what?" I scrunched my eyebrows and kept staring at him, waiting for his response but he remained silent and gave me a small smirk. It finally hit me and my eyes went wide.

"Ohhh..ohh!" My cheeks must have turned a deep shade of red as I looked away from him and tried to hold back my smile.

"Exactly!" He finally spoke and I peered at him from the corner of my eyes to find him smiling, looking straight at the road ahead of him.

Why do I still get all shy and giddy around him?

But that wasn't important now. Something even more important was going to happen and I was freaking out already.

I was going to have sex with Tyler Cummings!

Holy Fuck!

He's my guyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora