Chapter Nineteen

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The fundraiser was a huge success and I could already imagine our principal congratulating me and Tyler tomorrow. I was having so much fun with my girls but a part of me wanted to be with Tyler and I couldn't help but wonder where he was right now and what he was doing. It's not like he had many friends in school as well. He was a loner.

"Alright, let's go. It's almost 8. Dylan should be waiting for us." Cara announced as everyone started to follow her.

"I might leave the party after sometime. I can hang out for one hour max." I told them just in case they get mad later for leaving without saying a word.

"Oh, someone is having plans for a special night I assume." Jenny added with a wink as we walked towards her car instead of mine since I gave my keys to Tyler to pick me up later.

"No, it's not like that yet. We are still figuring out and I don't know, Jenny. I hope he opens up to me." I spoke, letting out a huge sigh and she nodded in agreement while Mandy was silent again.

Jesus Christ, what is up with this girl?! We used to be close before and now it's like I don't even know her.

"So, Mandy, are you planning to hook up with any guy tonight?" I asked, trying to lighten up the mood and figure out what is going on with her.

"No, I'm not in the mood to hook up tonight." She replied curtly, without meeting my eyes and I just shrugged in response.

At least, I tried.

We reached the party at around 8.30 pm and I could see almost the entire school present at Dylan's house. The music was blasting from inside so loudly and people were going crazy. There were empty cups on his front porch and a few guys were making out with random girls outside that almost made me throw up.

"I am already regretting this decision." I mumbled as I walked inside with a frown on my face.

"Relax, babe. It's a high school party. What did you expect? It's packed with teenage hormones."

"Fine. One hour, Chloe." I whispered to myself and we pushed our way through the crowd that was almost spilling out of his front door. I couldn't recognise half the people as they looked a bit older like college guys.

"You guys made it." Dylan yelled, walking towards us with a few shot glasses.

"This is so cool, Dylan. Did you see Charlie?" Cara asked for her boyfriend and I rolled my eyes already knowing that she was going to ditch us for him.

"Yeah, he was at the back by the pool."

Dylan offered us his shots but I declined it politely as I didn't want to be drunk when I met Tyler later.

"All the college guys look so hot." Jenny whined, scanning the crowd to hunt for her prey while I just laughed and waited for the time to go by faster.

"Why aren't you drinking, gorgeous?"

"I have to be somewhere in an hour and I don't want to show up drunk." I replied, hoping he would just leave me alone.

"Oh come on, it is my party and I will be offended if you don't have a drink." He tried to persuade me and I decided to have one drink if that's what it takes for him to leave me alone. I emptied the shot glass immediately and coughed a bit as the liquid burned down my throat.

"Happy now?" I asked, rolling and eyes and he grinned widely in response.

"Perfect. I'll be right back. I need to invite the others as well. Save me a dance, okay?" he asked with a wink and I had the urge to roll my eyes again but refrained from doing so.

He's my guyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant