Chapter Fifteen

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"Oh my God! Oh my God!" I started to panic and jumped off his lap immediately, still feeling the tingles from his touch all over my body. I was shaking and my mind was all over the place.

"Okay, just stay calm. I'll go downstairs and let them know you are here. It's not a big deal." He said, standing up from his bed. He wiped his lips and took a deep breath before walking out of his door, leaving me all alone.

I was glad he left me the room because I needed some alone time to calm the fuck down and breath properly. I needed to process what the hell just happened right now.

Tyler Cummings just kissed me because he wanted to and boy, he kissed me good.
But what do I say now? How do we act from now?

He did say we need to stop. Was it because he was unable to control himself or because he was already regretting it?

I wasn't a bad kisser or was I?

I was pacing around in his room, thinking about how to act around him when he comes back.

"I can play it cool and not make a big deal out of it. It was just a kiss, right? Teenagers kiss each other all the time." I tried convincing myself but it sounded pathetic. It was in no way a normal innocent kiss. It was a full on make out session with a little bit of touching and teasing.

"Okay, it's all clear with my parents. They didn't say anything but they do want you to stay for dinner." Tyler announced as he entered the room, startling me in response.

"Jesus Christ! You scared me." I breathed hard, placing a hand on my chest and he shut the door behind him slowly and raised his eyebrows as he looked at me.

"Relax, we didn't do anything wrong." He added, with a small smirk and my face went red instantly at the mention of our kiss.

"So...umm.. about what happened.." I started, looking down at my fingers and he cleared his throat, making me meet his intense gaze.

"I shouldn't have done that, Chloe. I wasn't thinking straight and I promise it won't happen again. It was a stupid mistake." He explained with a serious look on his face.


Stupid mistake?!

Every single word he uttered felt like a slap to my face and I stood there like a statue, stunned by his response. I hated the way his words made me feel and it was weird because I didn't feel this way even when I broke up with Drew. 

This was ridiculous because I knew he felt the exact same way from the way he kissed me. He was lying for sure but why?

He did say he hated the way I made him feel.



"Did you hear me?"

"Oh, I heard you loud and clear, Tyler." I snapped in anger and took a deep breath to calm down myself.

"Come on, I am a guy after all and you are quite attractive. That's undeniable. This was just a physical reaction of our teenage hormones so let's just.."

Did he just say that?

I didn't let him finish his sentence as my palm landed on his left cheek with so much force that he gasped in response and gave me a surprised look. I was surprised by my actions as well as I've never slapped anyone before but he infuriated me to the point that I couldn't take it anymore.

"You are unbelievable, Tyler. I don't know what it was but I knew for sure that it didn't happen because of just 'physical reaction', you spinless prick." I yelled at him, trying so hard to hold back my tears. I started to collect my things to leave.

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