Chapter Ten

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"What the hell are you doing here?" Tyler asked, making me stand up hastily from my seat causing Mandy to wake up in an instant. I straighten up my skirt, giving him a bored look but secretly felt happy that he heard me calling him dumb.

"Relax, you are not someone I would stalk. I was just helping Mandy with babysitting." I glanced at Lily who gave me a sly smile and I winked at her in response.

She was a cute little thing unlike her brother.

"Uhhh...yeah. I guess we can leave now since you are here, Tyler." Mandy nudged me and I let out a huge sigh and shrugged in response as I collected my things.

"Wait!" Tyler stopped us and I looked up at him properly this time. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and a pair of cargo pants that was hanging loosely around his waist. He actually looked pretty good if I were to ignore his glasses.

Did he actually go to a party?

I wanted to ask him but then I realised that it was none of my business. I should probably shut my mouth and just leave instead of  building any kind of conversation with this cold creature.

"We need to discuss about the fundraiser. Follow me upstairs and you may leave Mandy." He stated with no emotion in his voice and I gaped at him.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Bossing around and everything," I placed my hands on my hips and glared at him, giving him my famous death stare.

"You have no choice, princess. Just go with it. Lily, please call us if you need anything. We will be upstairs." He announced and walked upstairs, not bothering to look if I was following him and I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Can't you get rid of him? He is so annoying." Mandy scowled, shaking her head in disapproval.

"You heard him. I have no choice. I need to be the valedictorian and he has every bit of evidence to ruin it for me and knowing him, he is capable so much more than that," I explained and rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Go, I'll be fine. The sooner I get this done, the sooner I can get rid of him."

"Alright, call me if you need anything. He seems like a weirdo and a pervert."

"Hey, that's my brother you are talking about." Lily pouted, folding her arms in front of her chest and I couldn't help but laugh at her cute posture.

"Relax, Mandy. I've got this and Lily, you don't mind her. She hates boys in general." I convinced them both and Mandy finally left, leaving me and Lily alone in the living room.

"Alright, Lily. Wish me luck."

"My brother can be dumb and mean but he has a good heart, Chloe."

Awww, this little one was making my heart melt.

I was not convinced yet but I didn't want to disappoint her so I decided to go along with her.

"I trust you, Lily. Thank you." I smiled, bending down to her eye level and kissed her cheeks softly.

"Jesus! Are you coming or not? I don't have all night." I heard Tyler's grumpy voice from upstairs and we both laughed in unison.

"He is a grumpy grandpa, isn't he?"

"Yeah but Mommy says he isn't like that always."

Intresting! So what made you grumpy, Tyler?

Stop it, Chloe. It's not your business.

I took a deep breath and walked upstairs after putting on another Disney movie for Lily.

"You know, a simple please would make you a better person. You don't have to be so..."

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