Finding a New Normal

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We're getting closer to Eliza Minnick coming to wreck some havoc!!! It's gong to be so much fun writing this part of the season.

3rd Person POV

Meredith sits uncomfortably in the passenger side as Lexie drives carpool for them. "Are you okay?" Meredith asks Alex, but instead, Maggie begins to answer.

 "Are you okay?" Meredith asks Alex, but instead, Maggie begins to answer

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"He has all the power now. It's wrong. I'm his boss. But I asked him out, and his no is always going to be there like a bloated corpse. I've ruined work." Maggie complains. "No, I'm not okay."

"I was asking Alex." Meredith clarifies.

"Alex? Alex is fine. He's lucky he still has a job." Maggie says.

"To make it better, it was just a small crush, right?" Lexie chimes in.

"Crush? No, this was more..."

"Like, did you two ever hang out outside of work?" Lexie asks. Maggie goes to answer but stops. "It's perfectly fine to have a work crush. I've had them, and personally, for me, they never ended well."

"That is true." Meredith agrees.

"You are marrying Henry Deveraux. You're fine." Maggie diminishes Lexie's past.

"I mean, Alex and I used to be friends with benefits." Lexie shares.

"What?" Maggie looks to Alex, who nods his head.

"Little Grey is really good in bed." Alex confirms.

"Alex! That is my sister you're speaking of." Meredith scolds him.

"She brought it up." He argues.

"And then there was George who did not return my love at all."


"He died." The three of them tell Maggie.

"Dragged under a bus after saving a woman being hit by it." Meredith explains.

"O'Malley." Alex whispers.

"And then there's Jackson. We literally took a break and never got to revisit our relationship because I was involved in the plane crash. So the message is that work relationships either work or don't but don't let it bother you. Jackson and I are fine. So will you and Riggs." Lexie tries to comfort Maggie, but it does nothing for her.

"I am not fine."

"Just out of curiosity, do you have to date someone who is beneath you in a professional manner?" Lexie asks.

"Excuse me?"

"I mean, with Ethan, you kind of felt he was beneath you as the Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery. And Riggs is beneath you because you're his boss."

"That means nothing."

"It could mean something."

"And DeLuca!" Lexie reminds, and Alex stays silent.

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