Season 1 Chapter 4:Wave Mission Part 1

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I don't own Naruto, Marvel, Spider-Man or any of the characters except the OCs I will or might make.

A month has passed since Team 7 have officially become Genin and a team. They have been doing a lot of missions during that time.

....Is what they thought they should be doing but the truth is, they were just doing chores for the few villagers during that time.

Painting house walls and fences, walking animals, scrubbing tiles. It was tedious labor. Sasuke and Sakura were annoyed, mostly Sakura, but for Naruto, he was just indifferent, bored and just wanted to get them done and over with.

Right now, it was a Monday morning at 3:30 and Naruto was deep in the forest far off from the village and training with his clones for the past 5 hours.

About 800 clones in the North and 800 in the South were sparring against each other in a full out destrutive battle royale while using multiple fighting styles with Kurama's charka.

Another 800 clones were in the East  learning and practicing old and new powers of Scorn.

And as for West, Naruto himself was fighting against 950 clones using the symbiote powers and Kurama's Chakra while he powerless.

Why? A simple reason really. To learn how to fight, adapt and be strong without power. If he was going to become the strongest in the world and beyond, he had to learn to fight without power.

And right now he was doing.....fairly well.

He was sent to a tree by a kick from on of the remaining 11 clones and he was covered in cuts and burns.

Two of the clones jump in and fire orange chakra ensrgy blasts. He backfilps in the air and the clones blast at him again and he counters it by throwing two kunai with explosive tags. They both collide and then,


....a massive explosion happens. At the same time he jumps through the fire and smoke and throws a fast punch at the clones but they catch him by the throat and try to chokeslam him. But he got there hands off him, and brought his two legs up for a double kick to their chins. But they quickly leaned back and pulled their hands out from his grasp.

Four other clones jumped in and threw punches to him in super speed which collided to his stomach and he was sent back sliding on the ground coughing blood. He wiped of his mouth and then crossed his arms to block a punch from a clone in the air causing a crater under him.

The clone went on top of him throwing multiple punches at his face and chest. Naruto kept grunting in pain and felt like he was going to go unconscious soon. But with whatever willpower he had left, he grabbed the arms of the clone and headbutted him, causing it to dispell.

Then 4 more clones jump in to attack him but he jumped away and the 4 clones landed there fists in the crater causing more rock and dirt to fly out and the crater to get bigger. Then they jumped out and ran towards Naruto.

The first one threw a punch at Naruto and it connected to his face pushing him back a bit but he stopped himself and jumped at the clone with a quick harsh punch of his own to it's face and it dispelled. Then the other 2 jumped and threw punches and kicks to Naruto and he only was able to dodge a few of them.

Then he brought up his left arm and his right leg to block a punch and kick each clone to him respectfully. Then he grunted in pain but then he kicked the clone on his right under it's leg and grabbed the clone on his left by it's arm and slammed him on the other one hard and they dispelled.

Then the last one of the 4 clones jump down at him from the air with a Chakra charged punch in the shape of a Kurama shaped fist, only human sized. Naruto brought his arms up to block it and his legs went through the ground and he gritted his teeth in pain and anger.

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