Season 1 Chapter 10:Wave Mission Part 7

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I don't own Naruto, Marvel or either of their characters.

Two days have passed since Sakura's episode and she was in her spare room of Tazuna's house lying on the bed with depression on her face.

She is still remembering the memories that Naruto sent her that day.

The anger, hatred and the emotional, physical and lethal abuse given to him by the villagers, her ill treatment of him for just wanting to be friendly to her, and straight up to his death then Scorn and the Kyuubi named Kurama giving him those powers after that.

She held her head, wanting all those  memories to fade. All of that happened to him and she did the same. She may have not been the same as the villagers that harmed him, but she did treat him badly. She is as responsible for his anger, hatred, as the others were.

She felt like puking again but she resisted. She sighed. She didn't like this type of negative thoughts in her head. It was too much for her and she could barely sleep properly.

She guessed that she deserved this as punishment for hurting Naruto in the past and not treating him right.

She let out an exhausted sigh and rest her head on the pillow. She needed to sleep. But she can't. She just can't. Tears came out of her eyes again and she thought,

Sakura:Naruto... I'm... sorry.

With Sasuke, he was training in Tree Climbing once again. When he got under the top branch he remained standing under there for a few minutes. He smiled at this. He got the climbing exercise under control.

He disconnected his Chakra under his feet and landed on the ground safely.

Sasuke:Yosh. With this done, I will have the better chance of facing Zabuza and that accomplice of his. But... even if that's the case...

He frowned. His mind went on Naruto, and his progress.

Sasuke:...he's ahead of me.

Despite his calm and stoic nature, the Uchiha wasn't a fool. He saw how strong Naruto was. He fought Kakashi with expert fighting skill on the day of that survival test, he killed the Demon Brothers easily with a swipe of his hand, burning them to ash, and to top that, he sent Zabuza, a Nukenin, flying through the trees and saved Kakashi. He even did the tree climbing exercise like it was a walk in the park. And Sakura, Sakura of all people did it before him!

And the thing that bugged him the most, is that Naruto did it all without a shred of emotion into any of it.

Like it was nothing to him.

The last Uchiha balled up his fists. He wouldn't outright admit it, but he was envious of Naruto having that strength speed and powers. He wondered,

Sasuke:How? Just how did that Dobe get so strong? Was he always this strong and hid it the entire time until now? What was that?

He scowled.

Sasuke:Whatever it is, I'll find out. One way or the other.

With Naruto, he was meditating near a tree for the past few hours. And at the same time, he had a 100 of clones teleported back in the Land of Fire's forests in the mountains faw away from the village and they were training.

So far, it was all going well. Not a single issue was in his way.

Hours later to 6, he gave his clones the mental order to disspell which they did and received the memories of everything they saw and did. He got up, stretched his arms up with a yawn and went back to the house.

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