Season 2 Chapter 4:Scorn & Webb "Talk."

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I don't own Naruto, Marvel Comics, any of the characters or media put here.

Also this chapter is kinda... dark and nuts. You've been warned.

Naruto stared at Webb with narrowed eyes as she stared at him. Haku on the other hand was confused.

Haku:Madame... Webb? Naruto, who is this?

Naruto:It is as she said, her name is Julia Carpenter. A.K.A Madame Webb. The 2nd, lesser one anyway.

She huffed amusement by that snide comment.

Naruto:Basically, she is the overseer of the Multiversal Web. A constantly expanding, cosmic-powered map and bridge that connects to other worlds specifically made for any and all Spider-Conduits that live within each of them to pass through. And if need be, other beings can pass through it as well, so long as her or the Conduits that they associate with allows it. And I am one of them.

Haku:But... you only have Spider Powers. You are not a Spider Conduit.

Naruto:Yeah. That's what I thought too. But her being here says otherwise. Right?

Julia nods.

Julia:Correct Mr. Uzumaki. Tell me, Do you remember Venom?

Naruto:Yeah. He was the symbiote, or rather an alien known as a Klyntar that bonded with Spider-Man. He sampled his DNA which gained all of his powers, made them his own and... made them way stronger... in the process.

He facepalmed himself.

Naruto:🤦‍♂️...Don't tell me...

Julia:That's right. Venom unintentionally made himself into another Spider Conduit. And since Venom was a Klyntar and he and the rest of his kind share experiences and powers through a supernatural hive-mind connection...

Naruto:All Klyntars are by default, Spider Conduits.


Naruto groaned and Haku listened to all of this and understood it all perfectly. Then she got confused and asked,

Haku:Then... if that's the case, why come to directly meet Naruto?

Julia then scowled at the boy.

Julia:Because I wish to have a talk with him. To confront him about his sad attempt to look at me in my domain.

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

Naruto:Sense you? What are you-

Julia:Don't play dumb, you little punk. I knew that you were trying to sense and find me for the longest while. I literally felt someone trying to take look at me in my personal domain a few days ago.

Julia:So I looked around the many universes trying to find out who. And there you were, walking with your girlfriend. So I decided to leave and come observe you then meet you in your own world. And then, I felt the sensing for me stopped.

Naruto flinched.

Julia:Meaning, you can only get so close to looking for me in my own domain and possibly be successful in finding me and other worlds and universes, but not within your own. Am I right?

Naruto flinched again then narrowed his eyes.

Naruto:Tch. Looks like you caught me. Not what?

Julia:I want an answer. Why? Why were you trying to find me? 

Naruto looked at her and said,

Naruto:To tell you this. Sooner or later, YOU were going to find ME. And I needed all the advantages I can get over others who I know would try to screw me and anyone I care about.

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