chapter 97

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"I need your help." Edward tells Alex as they are on one of their walks once more. Alex raises an eyebrow.

"And why is that?"

"She won't listen to me." He urges and both of them knew that he was talking about Bella and the baby. Edward wanted it removed. Not per say to kill the child, but to safe Bella. Alex didn't know how to feel about it. She always thought it to be a wonderful thing to experience pregnancy and to have a small child in your arms that would need you. That you could provide love for.

"She won't to me." Alex replies softly and Edward stops.

"She always looked up to you." He suddenly says and Alex turns to him. "She'll respect your opinion."

"But it's your opinion."

"You want her to die?" He asks her, anger taking over him and Alex narrows her eyes.

"Who the fuck do you think I am. I'm not entirely a monster." Her shoulders start to slump and she looks up at Edward with teary eyes. "You can't ask this of me." His whole demeanor changes as he sees the sadness in her eyes and his mind starts to run a thousand miles an hour. Did she want a child? Was she like Rosalie? Was it about the killing?

"I can't let her die." He chokes out and turns his back towards her, running back to the Cullen house where a sickly looking Bella is being waited on by none other than Rosalie herself. She had done so for the past two weeks while Bella's stomach grew as if she was already 7 or 8 months pregnant.

Alex didn't know what to think of it. She saw how much Bella wanted it, how much she wanted a child. It was a miracle really. Even Alex hadn't heard about it in her whole long life.

She knew where the others stood. Rosalie wanted to protect the child. Carlisle and Esme respected Bella's decision. Alice and Edward didn't like it. Neither did Jacob. Jasper.. he was on the doubting side. He didn't particularly like or dislike children but he saw how the baby was hurting Bella, his brother's mate. And he didn't want that for Edward.

Jasper and Alex had barely spoken about the subject. It was touchy for the both of them. They both once had wanted a family of their own but had finally accepted that it wouldn't be the case. Something that Rosalie apparently didn't accept, as she was doting on Bella as if she was her own sister. Maybe in some ways she now was.

Alex had been too deep in thought to realise that she had walked to the Cullen house. The house that she still resided in. She saw Seth and Leah first, making her frown, before she heard Jacob inside the house.

"Sam's lost the element of surprise, and he doesn't want to take you on outnumbered, so he's not gonna come at you head on." Jacob tells the ones inside. "He's got the place surrounded and he'll wait for his opportunity."

"We won't get through without a fight." Emmett replies and she could almost imagine Carlisle's face.

"No fights. We won't be the ones to break the treaty."

Jacob sighs. "The treaty is void, at least in Sam's mind."

"Not in ours." Esme's voice stern yet still gentle.

"Carlisle, no one's hunted for weeks."

"We'll make do."

"You've done us a great service, Jacob. Thank you." Alex hears Carlisle say before she enters the house.

"I could hunt with Jasper when I get back from Mrs. Pawly." Jacob raises an eyebrow. "I'll find someone to cover my shifts at her place." Carlisle nods and sighs deeply before looking around as if trying to decide how big of a mess they're in.

Jasper and she did hunt but it wasn't enough for Jasper. Where she could also rely on human resources, he only had his vampire ways. It wasn't even nearly enough to still his hunger but they had to get back. Be there in time to make sure that everyone could get their turn. But it was kind of tricky going back to the house. They had left Alex and Jasper alone when they had gone, but now the wolves seemed adamant on keeping them from their house. Their family.

Alex kicks one of them before crossing the border and running behind Jasper towards the house.

"They're getting antsy." Alex says as she scratches her leg where one of the wolves had bit her. It would turn into a big rash by morning and would be gone by evening.

"You okay?" Alice asks as she hurries towards Alex and the latter nods.

"Nothing to worry about." She waves off. "But we do need to do something about them." She looks over towards Bella who looks slightly better. "What happened here?"

"She drank blood." Jacob's face turns into one of disgust and Alex shrugs.

"If it helps." Alex sits down and lifts her leg towards Emmett who raises an eyebrow at her feet in his face. "Massage me." Jasper tries to hold back a smile as he sees the uncomfortable look on Emmett's face as Alex wiggles her toes right in front of his eyes.

"No thanks."

"I just fought off wolves."

"You do that regularly."

"But now it wasn't for me."

"It almost never is." Alex sighs at his comment and looks around the room. Even Bella was wearing a smile. "Anyone?"

"I'll get some cooling ointment." Alice chirps before disappearing and returning with said ointment and she sits down and starts to massage the irritated place on Alex' leg. "Get your woman something to drink!" Alice says to Jasper who laughs but goes towards the kitchen.

"Yes," Alex agrees. "Listen to your sister!"

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