I'm actually smart?

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so you know how I always say I can't spell?

well, ok so either my class is stupid or I'm very smart because we had the class spelling bee about a week or so ago and i somehow won. bruh how tf did that happen? basically everyone got out on round one, and some kid got out on biscuit! oh wait, now i see. its biscuit, not biscut. im glad i didnt get that then. also, why tf does NO ONE know how to spell epilepsy? is it just me that knows how to spell it? anyway, last thursday the ultimate spelling bee ( i mean the one in front of all the kids in your grade) happened, and after the first round, half the kids were gone. now it was me, some kid in my grade, and some kid in the grade before us. the kid in the grade before us got out on cathedral. now it was just me and this other kid i'll call karson. karson cant spell serenade, but the lady doing the spelling bee thing doesnt know how to do her fucking job so she spells it for him. if she knew how to do her job, i might have won. thats right, i lost. I HATE MYSELF FOR MESSING THAT UP! the word i messed up on was inclement. bro, wtf is an inclement? Karson spells it correctly. and his last word was evauluate. i knew i was fucked. yeah, i was pissed at myself. now when i get mad and realize i cant change the past, i kinda cry. so after that i go to the bathroom, try to calm down and then go back to class. im still mad at myself for messing that up. the ONLY way i'll go to the state fair now is if karosn gets sick... wait...


im kidding.

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