art+stuff about my books

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so, update on the whole hawk situation. idk if i mentioned this, but i ended up messaging him later on snapchat. i basically ranted at him. i told him how much of a jerk he is, and his response...

he legit just said sorry. i cant believe i loved that dushebag for 2 years. i played with him again today. he got mad at me again because i lost againtst a 1v2 when i was at 10 hp and only had a grey pistol( a grey pistol does 25 damage a shot if you didnt know)

also, im going to try to update my newest book, school of tashinaville, and the eye.

i've been kinda caught up in other stuff recently, like adventureland. i went on the tornado ( a rollercoaster with like 6 hills, the first 2 giving you a weird feeling in your stomach.) the only crazy roller coaster i can manage. i also went on it with my 8 year old cousin. she loved it. THANK GOD I WASNT IN THE FRONT BOTH TIMES. the front is scary... i think. i went on the monster only once in my life ( the monster is a roller coaster that goes straight up and straight down and has many loops) never... again... will i make that mistake. it traumatized me. im still thinking about it. i mean, i was only like 7 when i went on it with my dad and his gf. WHY DO THEY LET LITTLE KIDS ON THAT THING! i also went on the phoenix, and it was ACTUALLY A FU ROLLER COASTER. noiceeeee

anyway, before i leave, here's some art of a genderswapped mr- i mean ms egg!

( also, does anyone know what happened to philby? they completely dissapeared)

( also, does anyone know what happened to philby? they completely dissapeared)

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you cant really see it, but mr cheese has rainbow colors in his hair.



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