detective's origin story

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so, um i got bored and decided to write this so yea.

this is detective's origin (the girl from the eye)

ima let you start readin now so yeeeeeeeeeeeeee


From the outside, i'd seem like a normal person. Just your average smart girl who also knows how to fight. But if you knew my origins, you'd think otherwise.

I'm actually a human-oid. A person, but with an oid form and cool stuff like claws and some shield power.

But that's not the only things human-oids have. They also have a certain type of power. Sometimes it's something lame like night vision, and sometimes it's something crazy like the ability to shapeshift.

Mine are just being smarter and stronger, and a few extra oid powers.

not even my family knows iman oid. Infact, none of my friends even know i'm one. Not even rosie knows.

There's 2 different ways you can be an oid. 1 is being born as one, which is very rare, and the reason i'm one.

It all started back in the 1600s. I was just a normal girl. I had a mother, a father, and a younger brother. My father was the chief of our town, and i was next in line.

We had sports in our town. One of them, was archery. Mostly males did it, but as the adventurous soul i was, i wanted to do it too.

We had an open competition. And, i joined. I had some experience hunting with a bow in the woods, so i was ready.

I went last, probably because i was a girl. The person before me, his name was george, and he had the highest score. He was one of the best archers in the town, and he was only 15, aka a year older than me.

We got 3 shots, and george got 2 bullseyes. I needed 3 to beat him.

I shot my first shot, and got my first bullseye. Then i shot again. My second bullseye.

I needed one more.

I shot my last shot...

And i hit a bullseye. I actually beat everyone else.

The crowds cheered, and george was pissed. He stormed off and i had won.

The reward was 5 loaves of beard, and we got them. We had the bread for dinner that night, along with some soup.

Apparently, george was pissed that i won, so he wanted to get rid of me. He was jealous that i had taken his spot as one of the best archers. He decided to try to prove i was a witch of some sort, so he decided to try to talk to the big people in our town about me supposedly being a witch.

One of those big people in the town was obviously my father. When george told him about me being a witch, he didn't believe it at first. He helped my mother birth me after all. But george managed to convince him, and they decided to do what they do to all witches.

Burn me at the steak.

One day, i was walking around the town, and i was grabbed by what would be the modern day police.

I asked them what they were doing with me, but they never responded. I tried to get free, but they were too strong.

They brought me to the center of the town, where the steak was. They tied me to it, and my father came up to me.

I asked him what was happening. I was panicking, struggling, confused. I was helpless, nobody was on my side.

My father said i was proved as a witch, and then lit a torch. My eyes widened at the sight of it.

He was about to set me on fire, when i heard george shout. He said that he had found a way to kill me instantly with an arrow. He said it'd e better so then they could examine me and see what a witch would look like in the inside.

But i wasn't a witch. I was only a normal girl.

He took his shot, and his arrow pierced right through my heart.

I don't know what it was that happened to me. He may have dipped his arrow in something, it may have been all the hatred, or it may have just been pure luck, but that arrow didn't kill me. It only gave me life.

I grew, i turned powerful. I grew claws of steel, i grew stronger. Everyone was scared. In a fit of rage, i began to destroy the whole town.

The towns store was the first to go, then some trees. More an more things were destroyed, and more and more fear grew in the townsfolk. George tried to shoot me with another arrow, but i blocked it. Then i stabbed him right in the chest. More building fell, and more people were killed. I went to the other side of town, and there i saw my brother.

"Sister please! You don't have to do this! I know you're angry, but please!"

He shouted. I could see tears in his eyes. I hadn't mentioned this before, but i was very close with my brother. He was my best friend, and i loved him.

He had cured the burning rage inside of me, and i stopped. Someone had shot me, and instead of blocking it, i allowed the arrow to pierce my skin. I had gone back to my normal look, and my brother ran up to me.

He cried, begged me to stay alive, but i wanted to perish. I had caused all this. I ended up dying in his arms.

I never thought i'd wake up, but somehow, i was re-incarneated. In 1998, i was bron again. I still had a mother, father, and brother, aka captain, but i had also kept my power.

No one knows i have it, and i don't want them to. I found it comes out without me being able to control it when i get too angry, so maybe that's why it happened? I don't know but all i know is that i have to keep it under control. For the sake of all my family and friends.

So that's my origin...


So yeah, that's her origin!

And that's what she mean't my the story for another time in the eye (which is in another universe so yeah. Eggy boi still pure)

So yeah, this took forever to write.

Ima go now byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee





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