"so i am confusion"

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so, i like to play fortnite (no shit sherlock) and two major things happened(technically 3 but ye)

1: my friend, who i will call hawk because that is both close and not close to his name, was screaming at me(on fortnite) because I couldn't get inside of a car and i kept getting hit by it. next match i left the party to talk to my cousin ( i'll call him Eli) and he started laughing at me for some reason ( i didnt know at the time) he also broke me down off my builds and killed my boar with a rift. i was pissed at him and so were my cousins ( Eli and my other cousin Ash) and my friend Preston ( not real name) for kicking my cousins and ignoring Preston. so i decided to get back at him by letting them all die and then dancing on them and letting the last team kill me. was he pissed at me? yes. did he kinda deserve it? yes-to-the-fucking-sir. after that we played tilted zone wars and my cousin ash was being a complete Fortnite kid with insults off of bing so i sent a video of him cursing and insulting people to his parents and they saw it. 

2: so i was playing the pit ( still on fortnite) with my friends madelyn, kayden, and XTninja (fn name) XT was already messaging me about how HE liked me. i kinda just brushed it off ( i hadnt rejected him). so a little bit later i was AFK doing something on streamlabs, and they tell me to go down into the pit.(madelyn had already left) so it do. then they start spelling stufff with bullets. they spell out "he likes you", referring to kayden. im kinda confused, wondering if its a joke. they say its a joke, and then they say or is it. thats why the title is the title. in the end, kayden does actually like me. 


so thats how my summer is going so far! also, on june 11th im going to adventure land with my cousins on my dads side( ash and eli are on my momsside) so i wont be posting then (even though i dont post lmaoooo)

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