incorrect quotes 2 [gentlecheese]

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i know its been 4 months or something since i've did this

anyway, yeet


the gentleman: You're right.
mr cheese: That's... That's an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it?


the gentleman: This is a mistake
mr cheese, enthusiastically: A mistake we're going to laugh about one day!
the gentleman: But not today
mr cheese, still enthusiastic: Oh, no. Today's going to be a mess


the gentleman: Don't worry, I know exactly what I'm doing. Everything is going to be fine!
mr cheese: How can you still say that?
the gentleman: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.



the gentleman: Sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail
mr cheese: No it's my fault, I shouldn't've used my one phone call to prank call the police


the gentleman, looking at mr cheeses outfit: Do you take constructive criticism?
mr cheese: I only take cash or credit.


mr cheese: You love me, right, gentleman?
the gentleman: Normally, I'd say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don't like it.


the gentleman: This is such a bad idea.
mr cheese: Then why are you coming along?
the gentleman: One of us need to be able to talk the cops out of arresting us when this inevitably goes wrong.


mr cheese: Change is inedible.
the gentleman: Don't you mean inevitable?
mr cheese, spitting out coins: No, I did not.

veteran in the backround: **wheeze**


mr cheese: Here's some advice
the gentleman: I didn't ask for any
mr cheese: Too bad. I'm stuck here with my thoughts and you're the only one who talks to me


mr cheese: So are we flirting right now?
mr cheese: That doesn't answer my question



mr cheese: I know you're deflecting by making jokes about how hot you are.
the gentleman: It's not a joke.
the gentleman: *sniffles*
the gentleman: I'm a legit snack.

(gentleman is a legit sNaCk)


the gentleman: *Gets down on one knee*
mr cheese: Oh my god, it's finally happening.
the gentleman: *Falls over*
mr cheese: The poison is kicking in.


mr cheese: Okay, truth or dare?
the gentleman: Truth
mr cheese: How many hours have you slept this week?
the gentleman:
the gentleman: ...Dare
mr cheese: Go to bed.
the gentleman: I don't like this game.


mr cheese: Hey, you want some leftovers?
the gentleman: What's that?
mr cheese: You've never had leftovers???
the gentleman: No, because I'm not a quitter.

(why would this work even if the roles were switched? amazing)


mr cheese: I'm incredibly fast at math.
the gentleman: Alright, what's 30x17?
mr cheese: 47
the gentleman: That's not even close.
mr cheese: But it was fast.

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