Chapter Twenty-Four: Sasuke

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Forsaken Innocence

Chapter Twenty-Four: Sasuke

My body trembled. My hands shook. My chest ached. 

This wasn’t happening. It didn’t happen. It’s not true, not true, not true. 

Michiko’s hand rubbed my shoulder, but I hardly noticed. It was still raining, and I was anxious. 

Sakura had gone home to wait. But, Tsunade had let me wait here, dismissing how rude I had been to here the day prior. 

I ran. I ran as fast as I could. 

My eyes followed the stray water droplets that clung to the window, unblinking. But I think I was just trying not to cry, again. 

Michiko, being just as anxious as I was- although, for different reasons- paced silently besides me. She would occasionally mutter things to herself. But, I wasn’t listening. It hurt too much to focus. 

The only thing that mattered was the piece of paper crumbled in my hand. Over-read and stained with the too many tears that I had already spilled. 

“Sasuke!” I called, “Sasuke, where are you?”

My voice had carried throughout the apartment. But, it didn’t matter. For, it had been empty when I arrived. 

“Sasuke, answer me, dammit!” 

I was too late. 

It was then that Shizune burst through the door. But, I already knew what she was going to say. For, the look on her face said it all. 

~*One Month Later*~

The breeze blew through my hair, rolling softly against my skin. And, I let it. For the simple feeling was the only thing I liked to feel, anymore. 

Everything else just hurt. 

I leaned my head against the hard wood of the tree trunk, not being as too careful to bump my head. Which was exactly what I did. 

But, I ignored it; doing my best to block everything else out. 

I wonder if that’s what he did. Blocked us all out. Maybe that’s why he was able to leave so easily. 

Or, maybe he just didn’t care enough. 

Or, not at all.

“You’re just going to mope for the rest of your life kid, or what?”

Annoyed, I opened one eye. And, to my extreme displeasure, met with the eyes of the last person I ever wanted to see, again. 

Anko Mitarashi. 

The hyper-active exam proctor. 

“What’s it to you?”

The woman deviously smiled, bending over so that we were on eye level. And, as she leaned over, her jacket fell just enough so that I could see her curse mark. One that greatly resembled my own. 

“Now, is that anyway to treat the woman who’s about to take you under her wing?”

“I don’t want your pity.”

Anko barked out short, but harsh laughter, ruffling my hair a bit. “You do that enough on your own, don’t you think?”

I glared. 

“Lady Tsunade’s orders, kid. I’m training you, now. So, get off your lazy ass if you ever want to amount to something and kick that freak’s ass.” 

My scowl deepened, tracing the crumpled piece of paper I had kept hidden in my pocket with my fingertips. 

Damn that Uchiha. 


I’m sorry. Good luck. 

Sasuke Uchiha 


The third book is being written! It's called Ardent Acquisition, and will be the last book of this series! (:

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