Chapter Nineteen: Misery

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Forsaken Innocence

Chapter Nineteen: Misery

“Hitomi, Hitomi--wake up!” I groaned, swatting at the voice. Didn’t people know I actually like to sleep?

“Wake up!” The voice yelled, making me jolt up. Kakashi was standing before me, his masked face the only thing I was able to see. I was confused. 

When did he come back?


The man laughed, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. “You can sleep through anything, you know?”

“Where’s Sasuke?” The man let out a tired sigh, tapping his chin. He was hesitant to answer, and as I looked around the stadium, I noticed most of everyone was passed out. Along with numerous sand ninja. 


“He went after Gaara.”

“G-Ga…he did what? When did y’all even come back? Did you know that you were late? For the exams! You almost got him disqualified, useless-” 

“Hitomi,” Kakashi’s voice was stern, and by looking in his eye, I noticed his usual lazy gaze was replaced with awareness. Not something I was used to seeing from Kakashi. “We’re under attack. I need you to help the villagers evacuate.”

“But, Sasu-”


I gulped, scrambling up. For once, I thought it was best not to ignore Kakashi’s orders. 

Attack? Is this what the sand had been planning, after all?

~           ~          ~

“We’re ninja, too. I wanna beat some bad guy ass!” Michiko exclaimed, kicking at the air, only to lose her balance and fall. 

“Do you think he’s okay?”


I numbly nodded, ushering more kids into the pathway hidden in the Hokage mountain. Naruto, Shikamaru, and Sakura had ran after them. 

Would any of them be okay?

“I’m sure he’s fine…” she trailed off, suddenly calming down, a bit. Anxiety painted her face, and for a moment she seemed lost- horrified, even. 

It only took me a moment to understand why. We were both worrying about someone we cared for. Even if she had no right to, Michiko couldn’t change what she did feel. Her intentions and feelings were right…just, used on the wrong person.

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