Chapter Five: Death Do Us Part

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Forsaken Innocence

Chapter Five: Death Do Us Part

Naruto danced around, holding himself. “I really have to pee!” He whined. I rolled my eyes. He should’ve gone before; idiot.

“Well, you shouldn’t have waited. You’ll just have to hold it.”

“But, Sakura! You don’t understand, I really have to go.” She rolled her eyes, and waved him away, signaling he could go. Naruto quickly ran off, holding his privates.

Sasuke shook his head, disapproving of the very behavior that made me giggle.

“He’s so childish,” Sakura groaned. I once again, rolled my eyes, suppressing the urge to hit her. “You’re lucky we have to do this stupid exam, otherwise I would have hit you by now.”

“For once, don’t fight. We’ll be fighting for our lives as it is. I don’t want to deal with you two.” Sasuke gripped, glaring at a nearby tree. Poor, poor tree.

“But, Sasuke!” I whined. “She’s sooo annoying.” He patted me on the head, sympathizing with me.

“I know, I know…”

Naruto came into view, laughing his butt of. “Don’t forget worthless!”

“Naruto,” Sakura growled “Imma kick your ass!” Naruto’s sudden strange behavior has Sasuke and I on the alert. It was only the beginning of the chunin exams and there’s already some action. Oh, joy.

Sasuke, being the quickest, threw kunai at the unsuspecting impostor. Who was, indeed, surprised at how we treated out teammates; he didn’t know that we knew.

“Sasuke, what are you doing?” Sakura cried, spazzing around us.

“Sakura, why are you so damn stupid? Look at him!” He growled, attacking the fake Naruto. “Do you really think the real Naruto would treat you like that?” I asked.

“I guess not…”

“And look at the pouch on his left leg--”

“Naruto’s right handed.” I finished. The fake was distracted by our chatter, giving Sasuke the opening that he needed to attack. Smoke filled the air, revealing a mist nin. Realizing he was caught, he vanished into the trees. Pathetic.

“Should we go after him?” Sakura asked, looking dumbstruck. Sasuke shook his head. “Our top priority is to find Naruto. Besides, he probably wouldn’t have the scroll. They wouldn’t be as stupid to give the one sent into action their prized possession.”

Sakura was amazed. Not by Sasuke’s intelligence, but by how much he spoke at one time. I shrugged, taking credit for his improvement in speech.

“He doesn’t talk much when we’re alone, if you catch my drift.” I winked, making the pinkette blush. “Hitomi,” Sasuke warned. I saluted him.

“Right. I’ll give you details, later.” Sasuke sighed.

“We do have a missing teammate, y’know? It’d be nice to find him so that we can keep moving.”

“Don’t be a party pooper.” I pouted.

“We’re in the middle of an exam! Take something serious for once, will you? God! You’re so childish.”

“Yeah, well guess what? I am a child! At least I don’t obsess over avenging my parent’s deaths. Let it go. They. Are. Dead.”

He stiffened, eyes blazed with fury. I continued, “And don’t tell me that I don’t know anything about it. I had parents, a family. They died, too. Stop being selfish.

Sakura got comfortable, and Naruto was suddenly back. Both with a bag of popcorn. “This is going to be interesting~!” Sakura smiled, fitting a handful of popcorn in her mouth. Naruto nodded, chewing rather enthusiastically.

“Well, did your brother kill your entire clan? The Uchiha’s pride,” he spat “killed everything I ever knew and loved. Tell me, did you based your future on just fall? I didn’t think so.” I gritted my teeth. Sasuke’s eyes glittered with tears, but at this point and time, I didn’t care. In my eyes, he was implying that I’ve never known the pain of loss.

“You didn’t have to watch the one you love, die right in front of your eyes.” I threw my hands in the air. “Who knows? Maybe you’ll get lucky, and in the next three days, it’ll happen!”

“Don’t say that,” he glared, menacingly, even more unhappy with me than he was before.

“Why not? Maybe then, if you ever get around to kill your brother, you could come avenge me. But, I doubt you’ll have the time, because you’ll be too busy wasting your life trying to kill Itachi.”

“Hitomi, you’re not going to die.”

“You’re an avenger, right? Well, you need to do something after you’ve wasted your life on something so downright pointless.”

“If Naruto were to be killed, are you telling me you wouldn’t avenge his death?”

“You can’t throw this b--”

“Answer the question.”

I slumped my shoulders. “That’s different.”

“How? I thought you said he was your family.” I had been defeated. “And, if I were to die?” I looked away, not able to look him in the eye. I had been wrong; out of line. It wasn’t my place to say those things.


“I’m sorry…” I whispered. Why was I so stubborn? If I were to hold my tongue, things would be fine.

“Keep your apology.” He sounded disgusted. What was even worse, was that that tone was used for me.

Why couldn’t I do anything right?


Night had fallen, making the forest that much creepier. I groaned. No doubt I would be sleeping by myself, tonight. Sasuke was still mad as hell, no matter how many times I apologized.

Naruto hated me, now Sasuke? Jeezem. I was nothing but a screw up. I’m as worthless as I feel. At least, now, I knew what it felt like to be Sakura.

“Sakura?” I asked, “How do you live with Sasuke hating you so much?” Insulting the person who you’re seeking comfort from was never the best idea. But, it made me feel slightly better.

She stared off in the distance, and- for once- there was no negativity between us.

“I guess I live with the fact that he’s finally happy with someone he loves. Don’t get me wrong, I hate you because it’s not me that’s able to make him happy the way you are. He’ll always have that one smile, reserved just for you. But, I take comfort in his happiness.”

I was confused. “How the hell does that make you happy? I could be the bearer of his children, someday. And, you’ll probably lead a lonely life with seventy-two cats.” She smiled, finding humor in my insult.

“Hopefully, you’ll never have to know what I’m talking about. Yeah, I’m suffering. But, when you love someone, you want nothing more than for them to be happy.”

“I think that made me hate you even more.” I nodded, confirming my suspicions. She laughed, filling the air with a sort of music. Something about her laugh made me want to laugh, too.

“Don’t worry, the feeling is mutual.”

Ugh, my horoscope was something about how I’ll be happy and be in a romantic mood with someone fancy. Guess who got the complete opposite ? Fmll.

Whatever, hoped you enjoyed this, and are in better moods than me. You guys make me happy c:

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Happy Readings~

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