Chapter Eighteen: Sand's Plan

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Forsaken Innocence

Chapter Eighteen: Sand's Plan

It was the day before the final round of the exams. The day before Sasuke’s return. 

The month had drug by so agonizingly slow, I hadn’t even known what to do with myself. After one training session, Naruto wouldn’t let me help him any more. Shortly after I had been released from the hospital, he’d found a new teacher. Jiraiya, he had called him. 

Well, no. That wasn’t true. Naruto had called him ‘pervy sage’, the man, himself had to tell me his real name. But, I had to admit, the nickname he had been given fit well. And, it was obvious that the two actually hadn’t been too far unlike the other. Quite the contrary, actually. 

I soundlessly walked home, not able to escape the giddy feeling in my chest. Soon enough, I’d be able to see the boy I held so dearly to me, again. Just imagining it made me happier than I had been in the past month. And, really, I didn’t think anything could ruin this for me. 

It had been a cold night, I remembered that clearly. The moon, as bright and full as it was, was shyly hiding behind thin clouds, just barely peeking through. It was silent, and held more of a peaceful atmosphere. 

Normally, I wouldn’t be walking the streets this late at night. The whole village had been buzzing with excitement, just hours before. Most were talking about the big fight between Gaara and Sasuke, in which they had all been invited to. I hadn’t heard these people talk about an Uchiha in such a light, before. It was almost…uplifting. They made Sasuke’s scheduled return all the more real. 

A real prodigy, they had called him. It made me that much more proud to be his girlfriend. And, when I walked by, they didn’t hush their chatter. Instead, the jubilant villagers ushered me into their carefree conversations, congratulating me on winning over the cold stone heart of his. 

In result, I think this was the only positive thing that had come from these damned exams. 

People had actually acted civil towards Naruto, a bit. But, as his given opponent was Hyuuga Neji…well, let’s just say he wasn’t given much of a fan base. Not after what Neji had done to Hinata. The poor girl. I heard she was still recovering. 

I walked down the road, oblivious to my surrounding area. The apartment I shared with Sasuke was only a few blocks off, not such a big deal. So, being so close to home, I didn’t think much could happen. Especially not in a place like this. 

That was, until I heard the screams. 

I didn’t notice it for what it was, as first, for it was gurgled and a bit muffled. If I hadn’t have been so close, there was no way I would have been able to hear it. But, after stopping and listening for a bit, I know that’s what it had to have been. 

Knowing I didn’t have enough time to get someone’s help, I ran. The noise had been relatively close, and maybe this time, if I could get there in time, just maybe I could--

“What are you doing?” A voice snarled above me, where two shady figures stood. I flattened myself against the wall, masking my chakra as best as I could. It had never really been one of my strong points, and when Sakura suggested I work on it, maybe I should have listened to her. But, I didn’t, and there was no time to dwell on that now. “He’s a leaf shinobi, you could have been caught!”

“He was listening. He knew.” The second voice spoke, sending chills down my spine. And, from the lack of emotion and cruelty, I knew it could have only been one person. I held my breath, scared to be caught by the two. 

From what I heard, they were planning something. And, from the lost life of a fellow leaf ninja, it was obvious they didn’t want to be found out. 

~      ~       ~

The stadium was in complete shock. It had only taken them a few seconds to go ballistic, and when I say this, I do mean absolutely wild. No one had predicted the outcome of this fight. And, yet, there was Neji laying on the ground, Naruto standing triumphantly over him. 

“Did you see that? Did you see that?!” Michiko yelled, shaking me, and then Kiba. The boy, having been defeated by Naruto himself, stared smugly down at the two. At least he hadn’t of been the only one. 

Hinata had been, of course, surprised. But, nonetheless, her gaze gave away her true feelings. Not that she was trying very hard to hide them. I ignored the hyped up Michiko, patting Hinata on the head. 

“He did well, didn’t he?” She nodded, unable to remove her eyes from the cheering boy. I smiled, wishing more than anything that Naruto would realize her dedication for him. But, he had kept his promise to her, and I guess that’s what meant the most at the moment. 

Naruto’s match had ended, meaning we were one step closer to Sasuke’s match. And, he still wasn’t here. I let my mind drift back to the night before. That had been Gaara on the building, and he had killed another citizen of this village. Not only that, but a shinobi. I knew I should tell someone about this, but wouldn’t that mean war? Did I really want to risk that when he would be leaving in a day’s time?

I walked over to where Sakura was seated next to Ino, both trying to calm down a bit. 

“Yo, forehead, you heard from Kakashi, yet?” Ino glared at me from her seat, obviously having trouble keeping her mouth shut. Somewhere along the road she had taken her hate for Sakura, and directed it towards me, instead. I think this was around the time Sasuke and I went public. But, you could never really tell with these types of things. 

Sakura shook her head, oblivious to the growing tension around her. “Well, no. Have you?”

“If I did, I really wouldn’t have been asking you. But, yeah, thanks.” She nodded, turning her attention elsewhere. Dumb broad. 

Sasuke’s turn would be soon. I just hoped he showed up in time for it. 


I really didn’t know how to end this chapter, soo~ But, guess who’s coming back? (; 

Yeah yeah yeah, I need to re-watch this part in Naruto because I have forgotten how it plays out. Oops. 

Happy Readings~! 

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