Chapter Seventeen: That Boy is Bad

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Forsaken Innocence 

Chapter Seventeen: That Boy is Bad

“She seems to be fine,” The voice spoke, barely awakening me from the dream-like stats I seemed to be in. I wasn’t asleep, but I wasn’t exactly awake, either. I could hear, but I couldn’t submerge myself from the abyss that kept my eyes closed. “But, she isn’t quite used to the thing on her neck. Hitomi was repressing it as much as she could, which may have over-exhausted her.” 

“So, she’ll be okay?”

“She just needs some rest, that’s all.” Shuffling feet were heard, and then the closing of a door. I was tempted to open my eyes, and see if the second person was still there. But, no matter how hard I tried, they remained closed. 

A warm hand pressed against my forehead, and then a sigh. The bed beside me sunk a little from the weight of another person, and after what I assumed to be a moment’s hesitation, strong arms wrapped around my waist.

“You shouldn’t overwork yourself for that dobe, idiot.”

~      ~      ~

I sat in the bed, glaring at the nurse before me. We were quite accustomed to one another- thanks to the ridiculous amount of time I spent in these bland hospital walls. But, seriously, did they have to be so boring and depressing? The damned place was here to save my life, and just the color of the walls made me want to jump out of a top floor window. 

Not to mention it would make these infuriating nurses’ jobs that much harder. 

The blonde nurse stared back at me with just as much venom, her fingers twitching at her sides. Her legs were spread wide, ready to pounce if I made any sudden movements. She knew she would have no time to call in for reinforcements, because by the time she did, I would already be gone. The bitch was ready for a fight. 

She forced a pretty smile on her face, but even that couldn’t stop the twitching in her eye. “Hitomi, sweetie, why don’t you just stay in bed? We don’t have to do this, this time, right?”

“I am not getting back in that bed. Naruto needs me to help him train!” I indignantly yelled backed, trying to make her see reason. I was perfectly fine; there was no reason for me to stay in that bed any longer. This place made me feel claustrophobic; I hated it. 

“How are you going to help Naruto, if you keep collapsing?”

“How are you going to-”

“Hitomi, stop terrorizing the nurses, and let them do their job.”  Michiko scolded me from the doorway, having just come in. Her bright blue hair was pinned back, today, meaning I could actually see her face. 

“Don’t tell me what to do,” I huffed, folding my arms over my chest. The nurse smiled triumphantly, patting Michiko on the head on her way out. She always came to rescue the nurse on duty. It was really annoying, to be honest. I mean, weren’t friends there to help you cause mayhem? Not to inflict cerebral damage on me.

But, as useless as she was, Michiko always came through for me. 

“Blonde spaz said you collapsed while training, this time.” She sat on the edge of my assigned bed, motioning for me to do the same. “I have to say, not as bad ass as the other times you’ve been in here. But, the orange ball is freaked.”

I shrugged, not really caring if Naruto was worried. He was always worried. Even over little things like these. So, after awhile, you got used to it. If I was in here long enough, he’d eventually come see me. 

“He really shouldn’t have brought me here in the first place. He knows I hate hospitals, could’ve just brought me home.”

Michiko popped a random chocolate into her mouth, pointing to the bag she brought with her. And, that’s why I loved her. During every hospital visit, she’d always bring food. 

“He would’ve, but the dumb pink-haired bitch had a fit. Insisted you be examined.” 



I unwrapped one of the many chocolate wonders, focusing more on the wrapper than the growling anxious girl beside me. It wasn’t often she was so impatient, and until now, I didn’t even realize there were things left unsaid between us. 

“You can tell me, now, Hitomi.”


“Gaara. You said you needed to tell me something about him. What is it?”

I paused, blankly staring at her. Maybe if I just sat here, she’d forget. Because, even if the very center of her dreams were truly evil and dangerous, I’d feel bad if I were the one who had to shatter them. But, she saw the fight between Gaara and Lee. And, if it really was as how she explained it to me, then Michiko had to have at least some idea of who the boy really was.

“Tell me.”

“He’s just bad, okay? I don’t want you getting mixed up with him. I’ve seen him…do things.”

Michiko cocked her head to the side, then giggled. “I know.”

“You know?”

She nodded, bouncing off of the bed. “It’s just a tiny crush, I suppose. But, even if it weren’t, I wouldn’t be brave enough to actually act on it. I’m no good with that type of thing. So, I’ll happily watch from a distance- even if he is…evil.” 

“So, this won’t affect your outlook on him? At all?”

She shrugged, “When fantasizing, those types of things don’t usually exist, do they?”

I rolled my eyes, trying my best to ignore her silly antics. She was strange. But, I guess when you were raised in a world full of practicality and facts, it was nice to find a person who rose above it all. To live in their world, at least for a little while. Because, for Michiko, those type of things didn’t exist. 

“What do you say you help me break out of here, huh?”


Errmahgawd you guise. …I’ll stop there. Sorry I’ve been neglecting everything lately D: If it makes you feel any better, I’ve been secretly working on something else, so it’s not like I’ve just stopped~

This story is coming to an ending soon. -confetti burst out of hidden cannons- which means I have to work on the third book… sob. 


Happy Readings~! :D 

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