Chapter Seven: The Hostage

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Forsaken Innocence

Chapter Seven: The Hostage

Once I regained consciousness, again, I found myself sitting in front of a campfire, in a rather stiff position. Looking at the sky suggested that it was late afternoon.

What happened? My heart beat wildly thinking about all of the horrific possibilities. Could the it have killed them? My lover, my best friend, my … acquaintance? What happened to them?

“I see you’re finally awake.” A sly voice mused, startling me. When did he get there? I kept my mouth shut as he towered over me in an intimidating height. The man looked strong, and merciless. If I so much as put one toe out of line, it’d be too easy to kill me. I was insignificant in this being’s life.

He smiled at me, cocking his head to the side. “Don’t worry about your friends .. They’re safe. For now, anyways.” I breathed a sigh of relief. At least they weren’t dead. Which lead me to a new question: What would happen to me?

“What do you want with me?” I winced after speaking, expecting a sharp blow to the face. But, instead, there was a laugh.

“My, my.  Looks as if someone’s not very confident. Seemly opposite of that cocky Uchiha boy, hmm?” His gaze drifted off to stare in the distance. “I suppose you want to know who I am, am I right?” He smiled, in the most evil, disturbing way one could imagine. A snake smiles, but doesn’t show it’s teeth.

I gasped. “Wh-what happened to that she-male?”

“Why .. whatever do you mean?” He looked at me as if I had completely gone mad. Well, have I? I wasn’t as sure of my sanity as I used to be.

“The girl that attacked us .. She oddly resembled a snake, much like you.” I explained recalling the horrible face with terrible skin. The man before me seemed highly amused, barely holding back a laugh. I couldn’t compute what was so funny.

“Silly girl, that was me.” He smirked, proud of himself. But, in my eyes, I could only see a creepy pedophile wanting little kids’ bodies for his own sick pleasures. Oh, how right I was.

“Well, then. Who are you?” I questioned, suddenly feeling uneasy in the man’s presence. His overly evil aurora seemed to block everything else out, leaving me somewhat defenseless. Not that I could protect myself, anyways. With these binds restricting any sort of movement, I was feeling beyond useless.

“Never you mind that, now.  We have … issues to deal with. Mustn’t be rushed through things.” His smile got wider and creepier as panic arose in my chest. With my heart beating faster than a hummingbird’s wings, I couldn’t help but to wonder if this would be the end for me.

When I told Sasuke about the possibility of me dying, I didn’t expect any of it to happen. Nor did I wish it.

By then, I was angry. I knew something had happened to Sasuke. What, I couldn’t say. But, I know it wasn’t good. Knowing that this man had brought some kind of misfortune upon my Sasuke rubbed me the wrong way. I didn’t care if I couldn’t harm him, I would die trying.

I struggled against the binds that kept me to this wretched tree. He’s the reason for Sasuke’s agonized screams. His pain. He. Would. Suffer.

“bit of a temper on you,” he mused, grabbing my chin, admiring my face. “You would make a lovely addition.” He slowly lifted my head to get a better view of my neck. With one breath, and not a second to spare, I felt a very sudden, searing pain in the base of my neck. Only then did I realize his intentions to sink his teeth in me, and by then, it was too late. In that moment, I let out the most horrifying scream that I had to offer. Nothing could compare to what I was feeling. Every pore, every cell burned with a white hot fire that had me writhing in agony. Alas, death was the only justice that I could hope for.


Something warm on my forehead awoken me from my incredibly strange slumber. I couldn’t remember anything from my dreams, but I knew they weren’t something that I would want to remember. Everything felt so … wrong.

My eyes fluttered open to find a very disoriented Sakura. She looked as if she were going to pass out any moment now.

“Hey,” I coughed, trying to sit up. But, the sharp pains that flowed through my body forced me to lay back down.

“Hitomi!” She snapped back into focus, brushing the hair off of my forehead. “How are you feeling? Are you hurt?” She worried, putting a cool cloth on my head. Sakura’s movement was slow, but spastic and clumsy.

“You look tired.” I watched her, eyebrows knitting together in confusion. What was happening? The last thing I remembered was pain, and lots of it.

Sakura broke down, then, sobbing. “After you tried to help Sasuke and Naruto against Oruchimaru, he knocked you out. Cutting off your airway system. When Sasuke tried to retrieve you, he- he … bit! Sasuke.” Her eyes widened, letting terror show on her pale features. She desperately needed sleep. “Naruto … he went ballistic. Almost animal like,” Her voice was rising with hysteria and she sobbed harder. “Then, he took you! When I found you, several hours later, you were in soo much … pain…” I would never have guessed that the pinkette had cared so much. But, watching her now, I knew she did.

I awkwardly patted her knee, not sure what to say. “Can I ask you a question?” She asked rather abruptly. There was obviously something eating away at her conscience. After today, I’m not sure if the pinkette would ever be the same.

“Anything,” I shrugged, which I regretted instantly, due to the stabbing pain.

“Did Oruchimaru … did he bite you?” I gave her an odd look. Why would she ask something so absurd?

“Why would you ask that, Sakura?” My voice was tender as I finally remembered the man that had taken me hostage. His face was enough to give me nightmares for weeks.

“The symptoms you are showing are the same as Sasuke’s …” My heart skipped a beat as I listened more intently than I normally would. “Fever, body aches, loss of consciousness…” Her eyes wandered off to the raven-haired boy, peaceful in his sleep.

My hand flew to my neck, where he had bit me. That man, the one that had taken me…. Oruchimaru had bitten Sasuke, too? Sasuke had felt the same excruciating pain? For him to have through that was such a blessing. I knew it was I miracle that I alone had survived.

“He was bitten…” I recalled Sakura telling me that, only moments before. My head swam in so many questions.

What was going to happen to us?

Despite the enormous amounts of physical pain that I was feeling at the moment, I crawled towards my lover.  Gently, resting my head on his chest. The faint beating of his heart assured me, but the calm I was feeling was only temporary.

Something was going to happen. And, it was going to be big. The uneasiness I have been feeling lingered in the air, stirring awful thoughts.

I couldn’t be separated from Sasuke. I wouldn’t allow it. I would do as Oruchimaru had said, I would be a good girl.


Hello my little slut muffins♥ JayKay (;

Dude …. SIX weeks until my next break. Like, ugh. SUMMER NEEDS TO COME FASTER ! Or, at least Mardi Gras♥ Summer- 5months. ß Gonna aggravate the happy out of me.

Anywho, COMMENT&&VOTE&&FAN! (;

H a p p y R e a d I n g s ~ !

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