Chapter Twenty One: Finding Sasuke

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Forsaken Innocence

Chapter Twenty One: Finding Sasuke

“So? That means they’re safe, right? They’ll be okay?”

Michiko shivered, as if it weren’t sweltering hot. The girl looked as if she were cold as her bottom lip quivered. 

“Michiko, they’re safe, right?”

Still, she said nothing as her body moved in small tremors. Her arms wrapped around her torso, as if she were trying to comfort herself. 

Suddenly, I wasn’t so confident. 

“This doesn’t feel good, Hito-chan,” she spoke, her voice small. “It’s evil.”

~     ~     ~

Michiko lead me through the forest, her blue hair billowing behind he as she raced onward. There was a new determinacy radiating from her, perfectly painted on her delicate features, with a fire burning in her eyes that I had never before seen. 

She was acting as the proud, strong kunoichi she had always been, but had been to scared to show. She had, in that moment, matured into the young woman she was liable to be from the very start; driven by the strong desire to protect those she loved the most. 

And, even if in that moment it was the enemy, I knew she’d make the right choice. 

I trusted Michiko. 

But, as we broke through a barrier of trees, thoughts of my blue-haired friend flew from my mind. Completely forgetting about her for the moment, I focused on my teammates. They were here, and they needed my- our help. 

The first thing I noticed was the bruised and bloodied mess of my boyfriend, his crumpled body leaning against the back of the tree he was situated in. Swollen, and just barely keeping his eyes opened, he spotted me just as easily as I had him. The glare he gave me from atop the tree unmistakable. 

The second thing I saw was Sakura, unconscious, but breathing. She, too, looked disheveled and a bit worse for the wear. But, at least they were safe. 

We were quick to move as I went to attend Sasuke, Michiko to Sakura. My hands were almost shaking as I touched his shoulders, unsure of what was safe to touch and what was tender. 

“You shouldn’t of come,” Sasuke grunted, slightly wincing as I helped him. 

“We’re a team, right- does that hurt?- I wasn’t going to leave you.” My eyes worriedly raked over him, regret swelling in my chest. I had gotten here too late, there was nothing I could do, now. He was already hurt. “I never would,” I murmured. 

“It’s dangerous.”

“All the more reason for me to be here.”

“You could get hur-”

“Oh, like you?”

The raven glowered at me, the look only darkening as I ripped a piece of my shirt off and doused it in water. 

“What are you doing?”

“Cleaning your wounds, idiot.” His frown deepened as I gingerly touched it to his forehead, knowing he would have no hope of winning. And, in his condition, there was no way he could overpower me. 

I noticed that I continued treating him- knowing full well that Sakura would be better fit for this- the Uchiha’s eyes flickered away from me- as did his attention. And, it was only then that I acknowledged  Naruto was missing. 

As was Michiko’s infatuation. 

And, as I followed Sasuke’s line of vision, I recognized not two genin boys, but monsters. I could just barely make out an orange outline on the over-sized toad, fighting with what seemed all of his might. 


It was horrible, terrible. Almost emitting as much evil as Michiko had described, if not more. And, as I watched the toad launch itself at the other beast, I couldn’t help but to shiver- as she had. The battle was almost petrifying. 

And, just like that, I felt myself being thrown into the familiar chaos that so often crowded my head. 

It felt like those dreams I often had, about an evil Naruto. And, if there ever was such a thing, it would have to be something like this, I assumed. But, Naruto didn’t have a bad bone in his body. He was as good and innocent as they came. But, Gaara?

A powerful wind blew, having enough power to knock me off of the tree as the two beasts met. 

I felt myself clutch onto Sasuke, but had no conscious recollection of this action. The boy made no move to comfort me, watching intensely as the battle waged on. As if he were memorizing each individual move. 

Sasuke had always thought himself to be stronger than the blonde, as everyone at the Academy once had been. But, watching him go against the opponent that Sasuke, himself, could not beat…and actually making progress…what kind of impact did that have on the infamous Uchiha?



Lolawks. Pandora. So addicted tbh~ 


Lol. I have to stop typing like that though. 

On a more serious note, someone bring me to the house of shock and I’ll like upload so much. Like. Ef school. Serious. And I’ll love you and we’ll be bfffs. Anyone live in Louisiana? No. ok :c

This is long enough. So. Bai.

Happy Readings~!

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