Chapter Eight: Picture Perfect Boyfriend

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Forsaken Innocence

Chapter Eight: Picture Perfect Boyfriend

“Hitomi! Hitomi, please wake up!” Sakura’s frantic voice sounded, calling me from a peaceful sleep. I pushed up from the ground, temporarily being blinded by the bright light. I stumbled around until I found the pinkette, readying herself to fight. Not just any ninja, either; but the mysterious sound ninja.

Just being discovered, no one knew of their techniques. For all we knew, they could shoot laser beams from their eyes. We were setting ourselves up to fight a blind battle, which gave them the home field advantage.

We knew nothing, whereas  they could have all the knowledge. Freaking awesome.

When forced out of the shadows provided by the trees, the ninjas got their first real glimpse of me. Only to laugh. Oh, they’re terrified by my over-flowing power. I rolled my eyes. Always the sarcastic one.

“Look at this!” One of them howled. “One little girl ninja to call to the other useless one.” They sure seemed to be getting a kick out of this.

The female of the group hushed them. “That’s the girl Oruchimaru was talking about. The other one he gave the curse mark to.” As if a switch had been flicked off, they were quiet. Staring; just staring at me.

“She doesn’t look to be very powerful…” One of them whispered, clearly confused. What? I didn’t meet up to their standards?

I smirked, “Looks can be very deceiving.” The female looked skeptical as she placed a hand on her hip. “Don’t make me laugh.” Sakura nervously bit her nails as she watched the scene unfold around her. I didn’t know if she trembled from the lack of sleep, or because of the actual danger. Either way would be acceptable.

This was going to be a fight to the finish.

In that exact moment, a paper bomb went off, startling both parties. No sooner, a bushy-browed boy with a terrible haircut carelessly jumped down from the trees, standing in front of us like a shield. And, when I say us, I really mean Sakura. So much for a hero.

“Who are you?” I questioned rudely, glaring at the boy who was at least a foot taller than me. Such a cruel, cruel world.

He stood up as straight as he possibly could, saluting me. “Rock Lee, at your service.” Sakura swayed, almost enough to loose her balance. The boy faltered, his expression falling at Sakura’s state. Was there something going on between them…?

“Take Sakura to lay down. She looks like she hasn’t slept in days!” He ordered, standing bravely before the enemy. The confidence he held in himself made me believe that he could actually win. With the mess my team was in, we were in dire need of some help.

I draped Sakura over my shoulder, half carrying her to where the other two slept. She groaned, moving too slowly for my taste. The faster I got her to sleep, the faster I could help Lee. But, it was as if Sakura was doing her absolute best to prevent that. She always picked the wrong times to piss me off.

“Hitomi, you cant fight.” She spoke in a raspy voice, almost making it impossible to understand her. Her eyelids drooped as she fought to stay awake. I don’t even know why she bothered, sleep took over before she could finish what she was saying.

I gently kissed her on the forehead, it must have been hard keeping the three of us alive, running on only a few hours of sleep. “Sweet dreams, Billboard Brow.” She scowled in her sleep, making me chuckle.

It may be possible that I couldn’t go back to hating her, but I could always try my best.


By the time I had gotten back to Rock Lee, it looked as if a bulldozer had ridden over him. Or, worse. I hadn’t even been gone that long. How could they had hurt him so badly? Sakura had put so much faith in him, I expected the bushy-browed boy to be a better fighter than that. Rock Lee, the poor boy didn’t even last five minutes.

As for the other three, there wasn’t a scratch on them. I bit my lip, starting to seriously doubt my abilities.

Lately, I haven’t been pulling my weight. Blowing off training sessions to spend more time with Sasuke. It feels as if I’ve based my life off of that boy. Now, I was going to seriously pay for it. Well, it was fun while it lasted.

“I don’t think Oruchimaru will get much out of this one. She’ll be dead in no time.” The ugliest of the group spoke, all but spitting on me. Someone’s jealous.

“She looks worthless. Will probably put up as much fight as the other one.” She grinned, looking at the third, most attractive person in their squad; wanting his approval. He shrugged.  “If he chose her, she has to have at least some talent.”

“Uh, yeah! She’ll probably b-be better than the last guy.” The girl tripped over her words, wanting to be on the same wavelength as the third. She glared at me, as if it were my fault that she made herself look like an idiot. Bitch, please.

I snorted, rolling my eyes. You better believe that I was going down kicking and screaming.

“She’s mine.” The girl snarled, running towards me. I didn’t have time to move as she dug her kunai into my shoulder. She smirked, turning her head to see the third guy’s reaction.

“Mistake,” I murmured, hitting her with a chakra filled punch. She flew further than I expected, surprising even myself. I don’t recall being that strong. In fact, I wasn’t. Not to make someone that size fly that far.

She got up, even more furious than before. “Should’ve given up when you had the chance.” She threw a sloppy punch, that I neatly dodged, amused at her ‘skill’. Without realizing it was a distraction, her foot was lodged into my stomach. When I started coughing up blood, I made sure to get some all over her pretty little face. She completely let down her guard, wiping it away. “Mistake two.” I kicked her hard in the chest, making her body spin several yards away.

And, on we went, for several moments, in a never ending pattern. She’d hit me once, sometimes twice; then I’d catch her in a mistake, sending her further and further away from me, with inhuman strength.

I was stronger, faster, more alert. If I would  I would have fought these ninja under normal circumstances, I would have lost. Like Lee.

Allowing myself to be caught in my thoughts was my mistake. Caught off guard, she lunged her kunai into my stomach, startling me. It hurt like hell, but I’ve felt worse pain. She laughed, pushing in deeper, making the hole bigger.

I knew that if I didn’t do something fast, I’d surely die. The need for survival grew stronger, and so did my desperation. In my desperate state, I could feel a burn growing across my skin, originating from the spot that Oruchimaru bit me.

With the burning sensation came power. So much more power than I was used to. Made me feel invulnerable. Indestructible. Animal-like.

It scared me.

Going with my instincts, I pounced on the girl. Going straight for her neck, ripping her head clean off. Blood squirted everywhere, all over me.

And, with that, the desperation disappeared. Along with the burning sensation. Then, with realization hit, prancing with it, the guilt.

What had I done?


Profanities were being screamed at me through the haze of my inner chaos. Almost breaking through the madness. I was beyond mortified.

Why hadn’t I stopped myself? Deep down, I knew it hadn’t been me that killed the girl. Yes, it was done with my hands, I had known exactly what I was doing. But, it wasn’t me. It was him. It was evil. In a way, it was Oruchimaru. Somehow, I had become a piece in one of his sick games. We all were.

I distinctly remembered the attractive male screaming in my face, physically abusing me. But, I didn’t remember the pain. Just the actions.

By the time I was aware of anything, again, the first thing I noticed was Sasuke. The hitting had stopped, the boy staring at Sasuke in horror.

The raven-haired boy was surrounded by an evil, purple like chakra. Some weird mark was beginning to spread across the left side of his body, not quite reaching the right half.

“Did Oruchimaru…did he bite you?”

“Why would you ask that, Sakura?”

“The symptoms you are showing are the same as Sasuke’s…fever, body aches, loss of consciousness…”

The mark he was bearing was one given by evil in a human form. But, unlike me, Sasuke wasn’t cowering from the awful of the cursed mark. No, he was enjoying  every moment of it.

I think that’s what hurt me the most. Watching the one I loved turning into so dark, and not being able to prevent it.

“You and your dear Sasuke will be together, if you be a good little girl, and cooperate.” By now, I knew Oruchimaru meant the complete opposite of good. Sasuke was acting the part; perfectly.

He giggled madly, enjoying the power he held over everyone else. His eyes flickered to mine, and he came to an abrupt stop.

“Hitomi… come here.” Tears sprung in my eyes, and I quickly shook my head. I wasn’t going to lie, I was terrified. “I wasn’t asking, come here.” He ordered, face twisting in a very unpleasant facial expression.

I quickly stumbled over to the foreign person, just now realizing the pain that I was in. Just before I could fall, Sasuke caught me, holding me more tenderly than I thought possible for him.

He stroked my bruised face, staring oddly at the blood that came from my skin. “What…happened to you?” his voice was soft, but ferocious. He was hiding his anger, as if not to scare me. Too late for that. “Who did this to you?”

I bit my lip, remembering the third member. “It was me,” he called, rather proudly. “Your little hooker killed one of our teammates. Thought I’d return the favor.” Sasuke’s hold tightened around me, his anger starting to pulsate.

“Sasuke, please calm down.” I begged. I couldn’t let Sasuke kill him. I wouldn’t let him turn out to be like…me.

But, Sasuke is fast. He was gone before I knew it, causing me to tumble to the ground. My heart clenched. Nothing good could come out of this.

“You seem…rather attached to these arms.” He mused, in a similar Oruchimaru had. It sent chills down my spine. Sasuke was lost in his own world of madness, readying to rip the helpless boys arms out. He wanted to paint the town red.

I ran to him, hugging him from behind. “Sasuke,” I sobbed, “Stop! Please. For me, just stop.” It was several moments before Sasuke’s arms went lack at his sides. When they did, we collapsed on the ground together, hugging one another tightly.

The enemy ninja fled, sensing that Sasuke was much stronger. But, I don’t think the boy in my arms noticed. Just kept muttering strange things. Nothing was clear, just a jumbled mess of words. I did hear my name a few times, though. But, I wasn’t exactly trying to focus on what he was saying. I couldn’t stop crying to.

If we ever got out of this alive, I would surely have some kind of mental damage. I was praying for insanity. To be locked away, and never seen again.


Longest. Chapter. Ever. -Breathes deeply- Glad that’s over with (:


Happy Readings~

Pssst, ayameuchiha786 made the wonderous cover. <33

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