Chapter Twenty: Impatient

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Forsaken Innocence

Chapter Twenty: Impatient 

Just a few more steps and we’d be gone. A few more, and I’d be able to life this weight off of my chest. Two more steps and I’d be able to-

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“Shit,” Michiko muttered, making me want to giggle. But, really, I think it was because I was so nervous. 

“Oh, hey! Iruka-sensei, haven’t seen you, in awhile!” I smiled prettily at him, throwing my hands behind my back and twirling the tip of my shoe on the ground. “How’re you, sensei?”

The man groaned, rubbing his forehead. “Drop the act, you’re not leaving.”

“But, sensei-” Michiko tried arguing, only to be cut off by our former teacher. 


The blue haired girl tried, again, speaking a bit faster this time. “We’ve already left, sensei.”

And, with that, the two clones disappeared, leaving Iruka in a stumped stupor. He was impressed, yes, but also so far infuriated that I wouldn’t be surprised if he were infatuated with the very thought of tearing us limb from limb. 

We were gonna get it. 

~       ~       ~

Michiko blankly stared at the forest trees, looking just as dumbfounded as I felt. “So…uh…do you know which way they went?”

I shook my head, folding my arms across my chest. How were we supposed to get there, if we didn’t even know where they even were?

“I thought you were a sensory type,” I mumbled, knowing what her answer would be before I even said anything. 

“I haven’t learned how to use it well enough, yet.” She frowned, also folding her arms across her chest. Although, somehow, the way she did it seemed to be sassier. And, if there were ever a time to feel worthless, it’d be now. “I swear to Kami, Michiko-” 

“I know, I know,” she sighed, “My dad’s just not very cooperative, y’know?” 

“I’ve noticed.”

“So, what do we do?”

My eyes traced every line of our surrounding area, knowing we had to be quick. No doubt Iruka contacted someone by now. And, if they were any smarter than we were, they’d have a way to find us. My guess would be Kakashi. 

He had those wretched hounds. 

“Splitting up is not an option. So, our best bet would be to hide somewhere, and hope you can concentrate hard enough to become useful. I don’t know what we’ll do if someone comes looking for us.”

She glanced at me, seeming unsure of herself. “You okay with this? There’s no guarantee it’ll work.” 

I chewed on the inside of my cheek, knowing we had no other choice. Sasuke was out there. And, until I knew for certain that he was okay, I wouldn’t give up. I’d keep my promise; I had to keep him safe. 

Naruto and Sasuke needed me. And, as much as I hated to admit it, I’d be there for Sakura, too. She had kept us alive in the Chunin Exams, and now it was my turn. Besides, we all knew her pink-haired, skinny ass needed all the help she could get.

“I have to try,” I breathed. “If anything, I have to try.”

~        ~       ~

“Michiko, no pressure of anything, but hurry.” I hissed, watching the two figures below us. And, once again, I should have listened to Sakura when she suggested I’d work on masking my chakra. Michiko had that down, and she’d come to the point where she could pinpoint other’s chakra. 

She just couldn’t tell the signatures apart. 

“You try doing this!”

“I would, if I were sensory!”

I knew I was putting too much on her, but I couldn’t help it. I didn’t mean to. With each passing second, the panic in my chest grew tighter- the two shinobi below us not helping me to keep calm. 

If they caught us…well, I imagined it’d all be over. If I were pushed into a far enough corner, it wouldn’t be pretty. For any of us. I’d hate to hurt Michiko, and really, I’m not sure if I’d be able to live with myself if I did. I felt like a loose canon. And, if anything happened to her, here, today, it’d be my entire fault. 

“I just need a little more time,” she whispered, “just a little more.” 

I sighed, returning my eyes back to the Sand shinobi. If something happened, and we were forced to fight them, it was good for me to assess them, now. Although, it was hard to tell one’s strengths and weaknesses when all they were doing was standing there. 

But, I did suspect the guy closest to us did have a hard time trying to find a good hair dresser. 

Michiko gasped, grasping onto my arm as her eyes filmed over and her mouth made a little ‘o’ shape. “Hitomi,” she whispered, “Oh, Hitomi, this is bad.”

“What is it? Michiko-”

“It’s Gaara, Hito-chan. He’s fallen asleep.” 


Cliff hanger. Lol oops. Sorry it’s taken me forever to write these chapters :s I’m bored with this story- I’m ready to just write the third book. Things are waaaay more interesting. ….way. Ugh. Anyways. 

Happy Readings~! 

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