Chapter Two: Contestants

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Forsaken Innocence

Chapter Two: Contestants

I woke up to find the spot beside me, empty and cold. It wasn’t even morning, yet. Where could Sasuke have gone? I slowly crept out of bed, careful not to make a sound. What if there was a killer in the house?

This was laughable. A shinobi scared of a murderer in the dead of the night. I’m sure if I saw my own shadow, I’d squeal, running for the hills. Not all of us could be considered fearless. It didn’t come in the job description.

I slowly walked into the kitchen, trying to keep my breathing steady. I was lucky to have cat-like reflexes in case someone was hiding amongst the various shadows the kitchen offered. Snapping out my most optimistic thoughts, I noticed a light was on in one of the rooms, located in the hallway. The room next to mine, the one Sasuke told me to never enter, under any given circumstance.

I chewed on my lip, weighing my options. He warned me not to go in there, threatening heady consequences. But, curiosity got the best of me. It killed the cat, might as well add me to the list. I moved with much more precaution, now. Careful, as to not let Sasuke know about my presence.

“What are you doing?” The voice came from behind me. I stopped, mid-step. Maybe if I just stand still-like a statue- he wont notice me? Oh, the hopeful wishes of a girl on death row. He cleared his throat, waiting for an answer.

I let out a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of my head. “I was looking for you, of course. The light was on, so I assumed you were in there.” He gave me an odd look.

“Go…go back to sleep, Hitomi.” My shoulders slumped, my I willingly obliged to his orders, rather grudgingly, though.

It wasn’t fair! He doesn’t like me keeping things from him, so why did he get to keep secrets? Fine. I’ll find out what was in that room, one way or another. With or without his permission.



“Am not!”

“Am too,”

Oh, the things I wake up to, before dawn. “Shut up,” I groaned, rolling on top of someone else. The person was comfortable enough, so I stayed as I was. Not really caring if they liked me there, or not.

“Could you guys do this another time? Today’s kind of important.” One of my eyes open slightly to reveal the silver-haired jounin, whom I’ve grown accustomed to. “Why? What’s today?” I yawned, lazily. He shook his head.

“Only you could forget about the chunin exams.” I shot out of the bed, grasping him by the front of his standardized jackets. “The chunin exams are today?!” he pried me off of him, putting as much distance between himself and me as he possibly could.

“Now, it was last week.” He rolled his eye.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, “Oh, thank God! That means I can still tr--wait, what?” He chuckled at my slow behavior.

“I could kill you.”

“Remember the last time you attempted that?” Ah, yes. That glorious moment when I was going to rip his face off, only for him to sit on me. Naruto and I had just made up, then. I guess that’s all futile, when he hates me about as much as the fear I held for him. What lovely times they were.

Kakashi gave me a once over, and his eye twinkled in amusement. “It’s good to see you in clothes, again. I was almost convinced that you were a bit confused about your profession.” I gritted my teeth at Kakashi’s comment, comparing me to second rate trash.

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