Chapter Ten: Bewitching Destruction

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Forsaken Innocence

Chapter Ten: Bewitching Destruction

Naruto’s tongue slid its way across my bottom lip, his hands holding me firmly in place. Oh, god. I can’t believe I’m actually letting him kiss me. My hands were placed over his chest, the material from his shirt bunched between my fingers. I bit him, hard; wanting to be released from this shockingly pleasurable torture.

I fell to the ground, putting distance between me and the blonde shinobi and myself. Then, came the yelling. The wretched, ear splitting yelling. Swear words were being casually thrown around, setting my mind back into a chaotic mess.

“Do you not understand the term relationship?” Sasuke growled, grabbing Naruto by the front of his jacket. And, for once, I didn’t care that they were fighting. I just wanted to see action. “Don’t you know that she’s my bloody girlfriend? Doesn’t that mean a damn thing?” No matter what Sasuke said, or the tone of voice he used, he still couldn’t wipe the look of pure bliss from Naruto’s face.

“You’re just mad because she liked it.”

“I’m mad because you think that okay!” Sasuke’s voice dropped dangerously low and he gave Naruto a slight shove in the chest. “If you ever as so much think about putting your filthy lips anywhere’s near her’s, again, I’ll make it my personal mission to rip you limb from limb.”

“I’d like to see you try,” Naruto challenged, puffing out his chest, stepping closer to the fuming boy. If the testosterone got any thicker in this place, we might just as well be crushed. Sasuke smirked, lifting him off of the ground. “I think it’d make for a good show,” He then proceeded to slam Naruto into the ground, breaking the earth away beneath them.

“Don’t worry,” he assured me, gathering my body in his arms “he won’t be touching you, anytime soon.” I let myself relax, glad that the tension between us had momentarily diminished. With Sasuke’s over-riding need to keep me his, he was happy to forgive me for the time being to make sure that happened. And, it was really our hatred for the hyper-active knuckleheaded ninja that kept us okay at the moment. 

“If he knows what’s good for him,” I added, loving the feel of his muscles un-tensing where I touched him. The serene feeling that was growing in my chest definitely wouldn’t last long. It was wise to enjoy it while I could. Sasuke didn’t seem repulsed by my touch, anymore. And, right now, I couldn’t be happier.

When I opened my eyes, again, I could feel nothing but darkness. See nothing but the dark, damp space around me. It all felt too real. And familiar. There was a sense of déjà vu that lingered in the air, threatening to suffocate me. And, I was trapped.

I trembled, scared to move. I knew where I was. But, that didn’t make the experience any less scary. Especially not when I felt the breathing on my neck, right above the spot where my curse mark was. Only, instead of soothing it, like Sasuke had, it only irritated it further; making it sear with white hot pain.

The fear cascaded throughout my body, keeping me in place. “Wh-what do you want f-from me?” My voice trembled, cracking from the fear. At this point, I didn’t care who it was, I just wanted to be left alone. I wanted to leave this place. But, no matter what I did, I always returned. And every time, the fear would get worse, eating away at my stomach.

Whatever the thing was, it did not leave my side. Other motions followed, restricting me to it. I was no longer capable to move my limbs; and as time went on, I started losing feeling in them, too.

No other sound came from the dark space. If there were, I never heard it. My labored breathing blocked out everything else. My senses were all useless, and by then, the only thing I could feel was the breathing on my neck. The pain never ceased. The only thing I could do was wait it out, and let the pain wash over me. What else could I do? I couldn’t move, and it was in my best interest not to panic.

The last time I let my emotions take over me, someone lost their life.

Sooner or later, I would wake up. Until then, I would have to bear the pain, and being parlayed. But, what if, in the end, it was too much? What if I couldn’t take it? What if, I never woke up?

Time drug by, with each passing minute killing me. Metaphorically, of course. But, when hours started to tick by, my self-restraint started to erode away with it.

“Please,” I begged. I couldn’t give in. Not when I’ve lasted so long. But, I could feel an itching on my skin, my curse mark begging to be unleashed. To set me free. “Let me go.” I didn’t want to have to resort to such measures. It was beneath me.

Yet, I couldn’t will myself to believe that.

If I used the curse mark, it would be just like giving in to Oruchimaru. I couldn’t* do that. It’d be like letting him win. And, I’d be damned before I ever gave into the likes of him.

But, with each passing moment the temptation grew stronger. I didn’t know how much longer I could hold out. Judging from my circumstances, not much longer.

Use it,” A ominous voice came to me, bouncing all around the empty space. Truthfully, I didn’t know if I actually heard it, or it was only inside of my head. “You have to use it to survive. Do you want to be stuck here…forever?

Desire. What I was feeling now, sickened me. But there was desire there, nonetheless. What if I really were to be stuck here for, Kami knows how long? I couldn’t move. I couldn’t see. It was like being stuck in limbo, and it scared me. Far worse than really, anything else I have ever experienced. How could I possibly survive?

“I-I can’t. I won’t* give in to him,” My voice was weak, making me someone who had recently tried to quit an addiction; and was failing. Someone *trying to stay strong. But, I wasn’t strong. Over the months, I had grown weak.

Like Sakura.

Surviving is the essential key…

“You do what it takes to survive.” It was something my parents had drilled into my head over a million times. It was like their philosophy. That was the one thing they made sure I understood. But, how could I follow their rules, if they couldn’t? Parents were there to set examples. So, if they weren’t here, what example did I have to follow?

Did that make them bad parents? Or, was I just a faulty child?

Without warning, my curse mark started to unravel itself. I had no control. The familiar burning ran across my skin, the stinging only seemed to intensify since the last time. Was it possible that it could burn me alive? Could I be incinerated from one little mark on my neck?

As the curse mark untwined, so did the thing that had been keeping me constricted. Feeling slowly found its way to my fingers, inch by inch returning to the rest of my body.  Even with my freedom dangling over my head, I still had a sinister feeling. Something just wasn’t right.

Open your eyes,” the voice said, “Claim your prize. You’ve done well, young Taki.”I obeyed the voice’s orders, only to regret it immediately after.

“What is this? What happened here?” I cried, almost drowning in remorse. The laugh that came surrounded me, bouncing off of the blood splattered walls. It was only now did I have a face for the voice in my ear. At least now, I knew he wasn’t living in my head. But, I think I’d much rather that.

“Hitomi, dear, you happened.” The snake-like man paused, smiling. Living in the moment, enjoying the ripping pain in my chest. “You were their beautiful demise.”

“You’re wrong,” I shook my head, refusing to believe it. He did this. He slaughtered those people. Not me. I’m Hitomi. I’m on the good guys’ side. I was not a monster.

“How could you be in such denial, when the evidence is staring you in the face? Why, just look at your hands.” The same blood that was on the wall, decorated my body. I was covered in the thick, sticky substance from head to toe.

“Soon, we’ll bring the world chaos, together. You and your Sasuke will be a nice little addition to my ever growing collection.”

“I’d rather die.”


That was a really crappy ending -.- Sorry updates are slow D: My friend spilled sprite all over my keyboard, and I just can’t stand typing on this thing. My wrist hurts, now -.- Anywho, hoped you enjoyed *(: I can say that I stayed in my bed a few hours this morning planning everything out ^-^ Eep! I’m so excited ! XD

Happy Readings~! ♥

Btw, the picture on the side is Hitomi (: I drew it, last night ^-^

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