My Room

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We made it to my house without killing each other. It felt weird to bring John with me, I mean this was my house and I wasn't even sure if we were dating or just friends! Oh well. I live in a fairly average size blue house with white shutters on the outside. We do have an upstairs and a basement which is nice so that all of us can work on projects without getting in each others way.

As we walked up to my front door John said, "I was right you know."

"About what?" I asked as I fumbled with the door key.

"I got you to answer my name question before Monday." John said with a smug smile.

Finally getting the door open I said, "Congratulations."

John swore at me, "I showed you up and all you say is congratulations?"

"Am I supposed to say more?" I asked pulling off my shoes and motioning for him to do the same.

John threw his coat at me, "How come you're so boring?"

I grinned at him, "I appreciate that."

John shook his head at me looking disgusted as he picked up his coat and hung it on the wall.

We walked into the kitchen and I hunted in the cupboards for some cookies. I found a tin of chocolate chip and set them out on the table. John pulled the lid off and tore into the cookies. I was really starting to wonder if he ever ate at home. I set my backpack on the table next to him.

"I think we should work here in the kitchen so my parents won't kill me when they come home." I said as I dug through my backpack. "My English notebook is down to the last few pages. I'm going to grab another notebook from my room quick. I'll be right back!"

I hustled up the stairs and down the hall to my room. I knew I had an extra notebook somewhere in my closet....but my closet was also not the cleanest. My room is pretty decent, no clothes on the floor or anything, but the closet is my catch all. I've got stacks of books, old cassettes, and other random stuff scattered over the floor. My clothes are hung up, but just barely. I thought I'd tucked a notebook away in the back corner under my collection of movies, but as I dug through the pile it wasn't there. Then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I sighed. I couldn't help it. I should have known that John couldn't stay downstairs alone. And here I was sitting in the middle of my disaster of a closet.

John sauntered into my room eyeing the hot lime green walls that my parents say are too bright. I decided to ignore him and kept digging through the mess. John walked over to my boombox and neon cassette cases sitting next to my desk. I have WAY too much music, but my collection and boombox are my pride and joy. I held my breath as he ran his fingers over my silver JVC RC-M90. If you want to know where most of my money went it all got poured into buying this incredible machine and music to play on it. John might be into me, but I could also see him deciding to take off with some of my stuff.

He shuffled through my cassettes, grinning as he did so. He would stop and hold one up reading it. Then he walked over to my bookshelf and peered at my rather significant assortment of books. I collect books the way I collect songs....I go way overboard. My copy of The Outsiders was sitting on top of the shelf right underneath my giant Outsiders poster hanging on the wall. John picked up the book, held it up to the poster and then turned to me with a smirk, "You sure like bad boys don't you."

I made a noncommittal noise and tried to pretend like I wasn't watching him. He laughed at me and threw himself face first onto my black and purple bedspread. This was pushing it for me, "Hey!" I said sharply, "What are you doing?"

"Laying on your bed," John said as he pulled himself onto his elbows. He gave me a truly wicked grin and said, "Nobody at school is going to believe it when I tell them I actually got in your bed."

Gutsy: A John Bender (Breakfast Club) StoryWhere stories live. Discover now