Christmas Nerves

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The days flew by heading for Christmas. Claire did ask Brian to the dance and about blew him over. Of course, he said yes because a brain like him would never turn down someone like Claire no matter how suspicious the circumstances. I also did some backtracking and found that Patrick really had asked Claire out. Thankfully, he was nice about her turning him down even though I know he was surprised when he found out she was going with Brian.

Chatting with Patrick turned out to be a positive for me. My little interrogation of Claire's story became a daily conversation in the hallway with Patrick. It was great fun to see how annoyed Claire was over our budding friendship so that made it all the sweeter. I was a tiny bit worried that John would be jealous of me adding Patrick to our group, but it didn't take long for John and Patrick to start palling it up which honestly caught me off guard.

Who would have thought a jock and a delinquent would be friends? Patrick is just that nice though. Claire also stuck to my other condition and joined the Literature Club, which frankly for her wasn't a tough sell. She may be stuck up but she is into books and history so I don't think that was too painful for her. At John's advice and urging I decided to not push anything else on her until after the winter formal.

The craziest part of everything though was John himself. I had seen small changes in him throughout our relationship, but I had doubted he would grow out of his hard attitude. You could have blown me over though, the day I saw him washing dishes for my mom. After that it was like a switch was flipped. He was still 'tough John' at school, but once we got home, he was super thoughtful and helpful. He washed dishes, took out the trash, helped vacuum, kept his room clean and even made an effort to do his laundry.

His attitude also softened. He could still be a jerk when he wanted, but he seemed to grow kinder every day. His smile and laugh were infectious, making my parents and I laugh too. For the first time in his life, I think John was happy. He was safe with people who cared about him. I think Patrick was a good influence on him too. Patrick would just laugh off John's nonsense and distract him with something else.

It made me happy to see John so peaceful. Christmas break was fast approaching and my brothers would be home soon which was an added bonus! I really missed them. I wasn't sure what it was going to be like having them and John in the house, but the thought of all my favorite people in one place made me giddy.

It was two days before my brothers came home and I was sitting on the couch doing homework when John came from upstairs and curled up next to me. He draped an arm carefully around my shoulders, still mindful of his ribs.

He leaned over and kissed my neck before letting out a moody sigh. I raised an eyebrow and looked at him, "And I am supposed to interpret that to mean what exactly??"

"I thought you could read minds," John quipped back giving me puppy dog eyes.

"I only interpret words, not sighs and farts," I said wrinkling my nose as John let a massive fart rip.

John grinned proudly, "I could start a new language."

I shook my head, "Or not."

"You're no fun," John said with another dramatic sigh and a smirk.

"How about you tell me what's on your mind?" I said keeping a neutral expression.

For a split second I saw anxiety flash across John's face, then he smiled, "I'm just thinking about meeting your brothers. I have all kinds of dirt on you to share with them."

Now I understand John's nerves, "Hank and Brad will love that. Please at least let me enjoy Christmas Eve and Christmas Day without harassment."

"I can't make any promises..." John said giving me his bad boy smirk.

"Then I can't promise I will go shopping for a dress for the winter formal," I fired back.

John pouted, "That's harsh."

"That's Christmas," I retorted smugly.

John gave me a funny look before slowly asking, "What's it going to be like...Christmas I mean?"

His question broke my heart. I doubted he had any good memories of the holidays like I did. I had to bite my tongue for a moment before answering.

"Well, we eat a lot of food and spend time together as a family. We play games, open gifts and maybe watch a movie together. On Christmas Eve we go to the candle light service and usually Christmas morning we have special breakfast before we open our gifts."

Longing jumped up in John's eyes as I described Christmas to him and I could see a question forming, "And I'm invited to be part of this?" he said carefully.

"Of course! You're our guest so you get to share in the festivities. We want you here," I said.

John chewed on his lip. His eyes roamed the room, "I guess I'm a little nervous about everything."

Keeping my voice level and face expressionless I said, "Don't feel bad about that. I'd be scared stupid if I were in your shoes."

John scoffed, "Nothing scares you."

"You sure did," I said quietly. "I about lost it when you were in the hospital."

"Sounds like you might care about me a little bit," John said raising an eyebrow at me.

His words twisted me. I felt his gaze heavy on me and my words came out rough, "I'm finding I care more about you every day."

Warmth leapt into John's eyes at my words. I'd seen care and softness grow in him, but this time there was something more. I could see a depth that hadn't been there before. I hadn't really thought I would ever see it in John. A fire burned in him that was only for me. I wasn't ready to say it out loud, but I could see it. It was love. John was clearly in love with me.

He didn't say anything, just leaned over and kissed my forehead gently. My heart was running at a wild gallop. He pulled me into him, and I buried my head in his neck. Contentment rolled off of John as I snuggled up against him. I closed my eyes and smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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