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"John, I need to talk to the janitor." I said as we walked through the school hallway.

John gave me an incredulous look, "You want to talk to Carl Reed, the janitor?"

"Thank you for repeating my words." I teased.

"WHY???" John said shaking his head at me.

"Because I need dirt on Vernon." I replied.

John skidded to a stop next to me hands on his hips, "Now hold on for just a minute sweets, don't you dare do what I think you're going to try and do."

I shot John my most devious smile, "I don't know what you're talking about."

John ran a hand through his hair and swore, "You don't get to fight my battles for me."

Innocently I shrugged, "Who said this has anything to do with you?"

Glaring at me John said, "You want me out of detention."

"Of course I do!" I replied.

"HA! That proves your up to something!" John snarled.

I winked at him, "Oh I am definitely up to something."

"$**& you." John grumbled. Then he sighed. "You haven't even been my girlfriend for 24 hours and I'm already fighting with you."

I tilted my head and stared at him, "How can we be fighting if I'm not mad?"

John gave me a funny look then burst out laughing, "Your ridiculous ice queen."

"Just don't be offended if you don't see me in the lunchroom, okay? And wait for me after school. I have a feeling I'll have some leads to follow up." I said.

"Bossy, are we?" John snarked. "Do I need to ask permission to take a piss?"

Now it was my turn to laugh, "Well I did forget to bring diapers..."

This was too much for John and he stomped off swearing and pretending to be hurt, but I knew by his smile that he didn't mean it.

I felt a tiny bit bad about chasing him off, but I couldn't have him following me and finding out that he was actually right. I fully intended to blackmail Vernon and get John out of detention. If we were officially boyfriend and girlfriend, then it was most definitely my business to help him out.

I stood pondering my next move. How should I approach Carl? Even the teachers thought I was a bit of a weirdo so surely the janitor wouldn't think it too strange for me to talk to him. At least I'd spoken to him before. It wouldn't be cold turkey. That would be way more suspicious.

I rocked back on my heels thinking hard. I needed his keys, but that would require a distraction. Besides Carl was WAY smarter than the kids in this school gave him credit for. He wouldn't fall for just anything. It would have to be something legitimate.

Chewing on my lip a plan started to form in my mind. I was going to get myself locked in the storage room with all the student records. I was still new enough that I could claim I got lost.....my brain was spinning with ideas as I walked to class.

In my last class before lunch, the teacher kept a stack of old practice worksheets on her desk that she took to the basement from time to time. The bell rang for lunch and I put my plan into motion.

"Miss Frasier, can I take those papers to the basement for you?" I volunteered, "I know you've been busy lately and I can tell the pile is starting to bother you."

Surprised and pleased by request, Miss Frasier gushed, "Oh, that would be wonderful! You'll have to get Carl to let you in or get the key from him. He might be busy since it's lunch."

Smiling sweetly, I nodded and scooped up the large pile of papers. They threatened to spill out of my grip as I clutched them to chest. Sure enough Carl was in the lunchroom working on a floor stained with chocolate milk vomit.

"Hi, Carl," I said giving him my most helpful look, "Miss Frasier is having me take these extra papers to the basement. Would you be able to take me down?"

Carl smiled back at me, "I'm a little busy here, Laura. Think you can find the right closet if I give you the key?"

"Oh yes. Miss Frasier gave me directions." I said.

Carl pulled the keys off his belt, "Alright, kiddo. Don't forget to bring them back or Vernon will have a fit."

"I promise, I'll bring them back." I assured as I carefully shifted the papers to one arm while taking the keys from Carl. "Thanks!"

"No problem." Carl said turning back to the mess on the floor.

Keeping a firm grip on the keys I headed steadily for the basement. A lesson for all thieves and cons was to look like you belonged and I was a professional at cool belonging. I walked purposefully up to the basement door keeping my gaze ahead, while using my peripheral vision to check who was around. Mostly I wanted to make sure John wasn't watching and I was relieved to not see him.

I slipped through the door and down the staircase to the basement. There were four large storage rooms that made up the basement with identical doors, all locked. I was supposed to be going to the second room, but it was the third one that held the information I wanted.

Fumbling through the keys I unlocked the door and stepped inside. I purposefully left the key in the door knowing that if I pulled it shut all the way I would be locked in which is what I wanted. I wasn't exactly sure what I was looking for, but knowing Vernon I was sure that there had to be something in the student records I could use to blackmail him. I wouldn't have much time to search though. Carl would come looking for me once the lunch period was over.

Gutsy: A John Bender (Breakfast Club) StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora