Chapter 3

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The gym teacher was teaching the pups how to go very fast
Gym teacher: who will complete this obstacle course in 1 minute?
School pups:*gasps*
Random pup: but sir none of us could do this in 1 minute.
Gym teacher: i will choose only 1 student each for this obstacle now chase.
Chase: yes sir?
Gym teacher: i need you to complete this obstacle.
Chase: ha easy!
Gym teacher: on your mark, get set go!!
Chase:* run past every obstacle in 56 seconds* done sir.
Gym teacher: wow that was fast well if anyone want to be chase's cadet you have to do it too.
All the pups fell expect one pup.
Gym teacher: wow that was 1 second more then chase what's your name kid.
Tames: Tames sir.
Gym teacher: well chase what about him.
Chase:hm *gives Tames police hat* your just like me you can be my cadet Tames.
Tames: yes i am a finally a police pup my family will be so proud.
Chase: not yet.
Tames oh right.
In Marshall's class
Teacher: well pups Marshall is going to show you how to save people from fire Marshall get ready.
Marshall: ok.
Teacher: get set go!
Marshall: *saves the dummy from burning buliding* huh that was kinda easy.
Teacher: well pups you know how Marshall did it.
Kira: he avoids the fire saved the dummy i think.
Marshall: thats right whats your name.
Kira: kira.
Marshall: want to be my cadet.
Kira: wow that fast??!!
Marshall: yep Ryder will want another fire pup* gives her fire helmet*
Kira:*mind* i might closer to Chase this is so cool.
Marshall: are you ok?
Kira: yeah yeah i am fine.
Pup school was over and Ryder went to pick up the pups Chase and Marshall told Ryder about the cadets.
Ryder: ok what's your name.
Tames: the name is Tames Ryder sir
Ryder: similar to chase what's your name.
Kira: kira Ryder.
Ryder: ok welcome cadets umm now where you sit?
Kira: i do not know.
Ryder: kira sit between chase and Rubble, Tames you sit beside marshall and Rocky.
Kira: ok Ryder *mind* OMG i am sitting near my crush.
Tames: ok Ryder sir*sits near Marshall and Rocky*
Ryder: ok pups lets get going.
Kira: *mind* wow Chase's fur is so soft.
Chase: uh Kira you ok?
Kira: yeah.
Skye: * makes a "i am watching you face" at Kira*
Rocky: Skye why did look angry at Kira?
Skye: because she put her head on Chase's sholder.
Rocky: oh ok.

Author's note
Guys i will put another OC which is not a cadet but Rocky's crush her name is ..... Jen yep Rocky's crush is Jen and jen will come in the next chapter and also I will post two chapters everyday-superhero Chase.

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