chapter 9

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The pups are at school but then a group of boys who are bullies called Kai bull group and the bullies approached to the paw patrol and cadets.
Kai: well well look who is here weak unlucky pups of the stupid paw patrol.
Zuma: oh shit!
Rocky: oh fuck
Swift: hey boss let's beat some of these boy pups
Jerry: i will take the girls.
Kai: ok boys let's kick their ass.
Sam: not on my watch!
Chase: same with me!
Kai: oh its going to be good boys attack.
Swift and Jerry charged at Sam and chase but were pushed and punched and kicked so hard that they got injured after that Chase makes a drop kick into Kai's face knocking Kai out.
Chase: wow i actually loved this
Sam: same now no bullies can bully us now!
Skye: wow Chasey that was so cool *kisses Chase's cheek*
After that encounter the pups went to their classes but Tracker and rubble had cadet training class in the jungle. And rubble's class inside school
Tracker's class
Teacher: ok every today Tracker will show you how to use a grapling hook Tracker please show them how to do.
Tracker: si my teacher *uses grapling hook to swing seven trees in 54 minutes*
Teacher: ok everyone's turn
Every pup failed except for a pup.
Teacher: wow pal
Tracker: si hey amigo whats your name.
Andrew: Andrew
Tracker: Andrew you are my cadet amigo *gives him jungle hat*
Andrew: wow yes *thoughts: if thats so i can be super close to Skye. Hope she likes me*.
Tracker: you ok Andrew?
Andrew: yes sir
Tracker: ok amigo let's go
Rubble's class
Teacher: hello pups today rubble will show us how to do buliding Rubble please do the honor
Rubble: yes ma'm *builds with lego easily and makes a military base made out of lego like a pro* there we go.
Teacher: ok everyone create a lego military base.
Everyone failed but only one pup did it.
Rubble: whats your name?
Snowy: snowy
Rubble: ok snowy *gives her constriction hat*
Snowy: yes
So that's it for today i got to go so bye.


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