Chapter 26

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Chase and Zuma called the paw patrol  pups and cadets to tell something
Chase: Zuma and I have........ SUPER POWERS
Zuma: yes supew unnatuwal powew
Paw patrol and cadets :WHAT!!!!!!!!
Tames: does that mean Zuma and chief are superheroes?
C and Z: no!
Chase: well we are subjects of the MPP that's how we got powers
Chase: we got super powers and we escapes before they injected me and Zuma with the animal symptoms also did all of you know that you all have super powers tell Ryder.
Ryder: yes pups Chase is right you all have super powers like your parents show them guys.
Chase: ok *transformed into a lightning devil*
Zuma: *transformed into a lightning demon*
Target: *transformed into a lightning Satan*
Zoomer: *transformed into a lightning pre-Satan*
Galaxy: we all have super powers
Blazer: let me do the last one *transformed into a bone wizard*
Marshall: wow dad
Ryder: I wanted to make a superhero team to destroy the M.P.P the G.M.P and the original Paw patrol, Chase and Zuma and who has unlocked their power will be in it.That means going international level rescues when M.P.P is seen.
Chase: cool
Rocky: sorry you guys I called you all monsters
Chase: it's ok Rocky
Marshall: wait Ryder where is the G.M.P hq
Ryder: inside the lookout come
The paw patrol pups and cadets were amazed seeing a hidden base with a paw scanner.
Ryder: only me,the original Paw patrol,Chase and Zuma and you guys well except the cadets
Cadets: awwww mannnnnnnnn!!!!!
Ryder: also tommorow is school so go to sleep good night pups and dogs
The original Paw patrol: good night Ryder
Paw patrol and cadets: good night Ryder

Author's note
I have nothing to say I will now make some OCs later after some chapters so that this story will be my longest story I made ever since I joined Wattpad so bye everyone.

Paw Patrol Super Mytical WarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang