chapter 11

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Hello guys this is chapter 11 it was morning in Adventure Bay the boys was talking while the girls were watching Apollo the superpup.With the boys.
Chase: hey Marshall what if i kill Everest.
Marshall: i will shoot you, cut you into pieces, put you in a bag and throw you inside a volcano.
Chase: woah woah what the hell is wrong with you pal.
Marshall: whoever hurts or kills Everest they will be dead.
Zuma: youw cwazy dude hope you die one day hehe.
Ryder: pups to the lookout.
Pups: Ryder needs us.
All the pups got in the elevator.
Rocky: Marshall.
Marshall: yeah.
Rocky: you be clumsy anymore.
Marshall: probably because i got used to being clumsy.
The pups jumped out the elevator.
Chase: paw patrol ready for action Ryder sir!
Ryder: hello pups we have a problem today MR Porter saw a  female Terrier-mixed pup hurt in the streets.
Pups: *gasps*
Skye: we need to do something
Ryder: i know that's why I need Chase,Tames and Bust. Police pups block the road so no cars can run over the pup.
Chase: Chase is on the case
Bust: this paw will protect the law.
Tames: Tames ready for action
Ryder: you are doing good on your catchphrase.
T and B: thanks sir.
Ryder: next i need Marshall to use his X-Ray to see if she has broken bones.
Marshall: ready for a Ruff Ruff rescue.
Ryder: paw patrol is on a roll.
The police pups and medic pup and Ryder went to the streets where the pup was.
Ryder: police pups block the street.
C,T and B: sir yes sir!!
Ryder: * walked over to pup with Marshall with me*
Ashley: *growls* get away from me
Ryder: it's ok my name is Ryder and this Marshall.
Marshall: *waving*
Ryder: and those three pups are Chase,Tames and Bust we need to know if you are ok.
Ashley: why would you help me everyone Hates Terrier-Mixed.
Ryder: well i don't i have a Terrier- Mixed his name is Rocky.
Ashley: no you are lying.
Ryder: do you want me to call him.
Ashley: yeah to prove if you are not lying.
Ryder: ok *calls Rocky*
Rocky: hi Ryder.
Ryder: hi Rocky a female Terrier-mixed wants to see you.
Rocky: why?
Ryder; she thinks i am lying to have a Terrier-Mixed as my dog.
Rocky: Ryder i am coming.
Rocky drives where Ryder is and went near Ryder and Marshall.
Ryder: see i told you.
Ashley: Rocky is that you
Rocky: umm yes and who are you
Ashley: its me Ashley.
Rocky: *in  tears* A-A Ashley.
Ashley: yes Rocky its me
Rocky: *goes up to her and hugs her*
I thought you died.
Ashley: me too
Ryder: hey Rocky you know her?
Rocky: yes she is my sister.
Marshall: i never knew you had a sister.
Rocky: bruh i didn't want to talk about it.
Ryder: hey Marshall can you put Ashley in your truck.
Marshall: ok Ryder*puts Ashley in the bed*
Ryder: all right let's go back.
So Ryder,Marshall and the police pups went back to the lookout.

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