Chapter 35

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Today was a wonderful day in Adventure City Atlas was talking to Ryder about how they found them.
Ryder: I found you because of this *shows Atlas the mutant tracker*
Atlas: oh that's how
Ryder: I think you know few pups like these *shows pictures of them*
A and V: *gasps* that is Maxwell,lizzy,Jason and Woods
Ryder: so you know them
Valkyrie: yep
Then Chase and Zuma came up
Zuma: wassup
Chase: hi Atlo and valk
(Chase nicknamed Atlas as Atlo and Valkyrie as valk)
Ryder: we are looking for Maxwell,Lizzy,Jason and woods
Zuma: good luck wyder dude they awe unknown since we escaped
Ryder: but today we will find them I found them some mins ago in Superior National Park but M.P.P forces has send in a task force defeat them and we can get them
G.M.P: yes sir *teleports*
In Superior National Park,Minnesota

The G.M.P landed in their super osprey to find the four but in the forest a Irish Setter,Brussels Griffon,pug and Border Collie was being chased by a M.P.P task force
(The Irish setter is Lizzy, the Border Collie is Maxwell, the Brussels Griffon is Woods and the pug is Jason)
Maxwell: let's hide here
Woods: agreed
As the four hid in a bush the M.P.P task force and some mutated pups were not able to find them
Lizzy: we must fight guys
Jason: okay fine
The four pups came out and stood face to face with the M.P.P operatives there
Maxwell: *four fire balls circled me* fire blast *fires fire balls and burns some Mutated pup*
Woods: *mind controls a M.P.P solider and uses him to take down some of his other soldiers*
Jason: *lifts a tree using my mind and drops it under some M.P.P soldier*
Lizzy: *grabs M.P.P soldier's P90* teleport time *teleports behind some M.P.P soldiers and shoots them*
But some mutated pups came but they were stuck by lightning and few got impaled by a blue spike it was Chase and Zuma
Chase: glad to see you four after some years *shakes hands with Maxwell*
Maxwell: glad to see you too old freinds
Woods: thanks for that *shows the bodies of the mutated pups*
Valkyrie: let's get you to safety
Atlas: woah that is some damage here
Zuma: we better fix it before the police comes
A and C: agreed
As the three started to reset the trees and a land then they went to the osprey and went luckily before the St Louis Police Department came to the scene
At Adventure City
The G.M.P reached the Adventure City lookout tower and introduced the four to Ryder and the others
Ryder: hello welcome to the Adventure City lookout tower
Woods: hi thank you
Chase: hey girls
Girls: hi Chase
Everest: who is this
Chase: meet lizzy the only girl in the four
Lizzy: hello guys
Ryder: I think we have enough
Blazer: let's make the announcement
Ryder: pups and civilians of Adventure Bay we are going to take back Adventure Bay tommorow
As Ryder made his speech the peoples of Adventure Bay was overjoyed and were ready to liberate their once town from the M.P.P

Author's note
It's been a while i won't mention it I mean a month just going to say that Chapter 36 is gonna be a big one because of this i will post the chapter this month I promise you guys that for now bye.

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