Chapter 32

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Today was a good day but became terrible to the pups M.P.P soldiers rushed into the lookout with a helecopter hovering above the paw patrol pups hid.
Ryder: *whispers* oh shit M.P.P soldiers are attacking the lookout.
Chase: *whispers* language Ryder
Skye: *whispers* Chasey I am scared *hold on to Chase*
Blazer: *whispers* we need to get the hell out of the lookout.
Bust: right I think the lookout is not a safe haven now
Ryder: to the back door
As the paw patrol and cadets ran into the the back door M.P.P soldiers found them
M.P.P soldier#90: find them kill them now!!!!
The paw patrol ran into the Paw patroller and ranaway but they knew that the people of Adventure Bay is in danger.
Chase:  Ruff megaphone *megaphone* attention all Civilans of Adventure Bay run to Adventure City Adventure Bay is not safe now go from the paw patroller or get a car and run!!!!!!!!!!
As everyone ran more M.P.P soldiers with mutated pups came but everyone drove to Adventure City safely.
Ryder: I have a bomb!! *uses bomb to stick on the road to Adventure City*
The bomb explodes now the M.P.P out of the way the paw patrol and cadets with civilians got to Adventure City.
Ryder: I have the G.M.P base with me
In the Adventure City lookout Ryder spwaned the G.M.P base
Ryder: now we will have to stay here until we reclaim Adventure Bay back
Target: agreed *whispers* until then the others will learn their powers
Ryder: *whispers* I know
Chase: hey Liberty
Liberty: hey Chase hi pups who are they?
Chase: they are our cadets.
Liberty: ok why you here
Skye: Adventure Bay is destroyed that's why we came here until we take that back
Liberty: oh then welcome back.

Author's note
I know I made Adventure Bay be advanced but for a reason number 1 is because I wanted it to be more cooler Number 2 I wanted to add some drama into it so bye.

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