chapter 17

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Today was the day for the triple date and the boys and girls were dressed and came out of the lookout.
Chase: *whispers to Marshall* wow Skye looks sexy.
Marshall: *whisper to Chase* same with Everest.
Skye: alright boys let's go.
The boys: ok
After reaching Mr Porter's Cafe the triple couple get different seats because each table had two chairs later Mr Porter came.
Mr Porter: ok pups what do you need.
Chase: me and Skye would want a spaghetti *winks at Skye*.
Skye: oh that yes we want spaghetti.
M and S: we also need spaghetti for our girlfreinds.
Mr Porter: ok pups
After some minutes Mr Porter came with the spaghettis and the pup couples purposely took one of spaghetti noodles and started chewing while chewing the couples kissed because of the couples both ate their spaghetti noodles and their lips touched so that's how they kissed.
After the date the couples returned to the lookout.
Chase: hey Skye want to play with me *winks*.
Skye: Right now?
Chase: yeah come on.
Sam: where you going?
C and S: ummmmmm *runs to Chase's puphouse*.
Marshall: oh I know that want to do the same thing Everest?
Everest: oh yeah!!! fuck me up hard ok babe.
Marshall: ok
And Marshall and Everest went to Marshall's puphouse. This is a s*x scene again its me Superherochase's big brother if you want to skip scroll down a little.
After Marshall locked the doors and windows. And starts making love with Everest.
Marshall starts taking of taking off Everest's clothes and Everest doing with Marshall's. After Marshall pushes Everest on the bed.
Marshall: *starts sucking Everest's hot,sexy breast*.
Everest: oh yeah fuck me harder Marshy!!!!~
Marshall: ok~ *starts rubbing my penis to Everest's butt quickly*.
Everest: hell yeah oh-oh-oh-ohhh!!!~
Everest:*cums on Marshall and starts sucking his penis*
Everest: *then puts my vagina to Marshall's members*
Marshall: oh-oh- ohhh that's the spot~ ok that's enough.
Everest: ok Marshy.
After the leaving Marshall's pup house the same time Chase and Skye came out of Chase's puphouse after also having s*x Ryder called them for dinner so the pups and cadets went to go dinner even though the couples ate  in their date they were still hungry after dinner they all went to sleep

Author's note
Also my birthday is tommorow and Superherochase's is at 6th September so bye-superherochase's big brother out.

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