Chapter 4

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After the paw patrol's first day of school. The next day the paw patrol pups and the cadets went to school with Everest and Tracker.
Rocky: ah second day of school.
Tames: Rocky why are you talking like a nerd.
Rocky No i just started to like the pup school.
Chase: well that is true.
But suddenly a new female pup came in.
???: Um hi do you know where can i find the lockers its my first day.
Rocky: *sees how beautiful she is*
Skye: hello earth to Rocky!
Rocky: huh? what?
Skye: the girl asked you where is the locker.
Rocky: oh right follow me.
???: Ok and also my name is Jen.
Rocky: ok Jen come with us to the locker.
Jen: wow this school is so cool.
Zuma: yeah I know.
After some time the school bell rang.
Chase: oh yeah i forgot to tell something.
Zuma: what is it?
Chase: we all are going to the beach, the mountains and jungle for Zuma, Everest and tracker's cadet class
Marshall oh ok
While the pups are on the beach they saw a girl and boy in the sea who was drowning.
Zuma: oh no
???: Oh no
So Zuma and that mysterious pup saved the boy and girl.
Zuma: wow whats youw name dude.
???: Jax
Zuma: ok Jax want to be my cadet.
Jax: yes sir
Zuma: ok here you go *gives Jax a water pup hat*
Jax: wow thanks.
But before any more cadet classes started the bell rang meaning that pup school for today is over.
Ryder: hi pups and cadets who is this pup
Jax: i am Zuma's cadet Ryder.
Ryder: oh ok welcome abort.
So the pups entered the paw patroller and went back to the lookout.

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