1.1 The Dragon's call part 2

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I wake up by the light of the sun, and the whistles of the birds

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I wake up by the light of the sun, and the whistles of the birds. It was still early, but I really had to be done with my work.

I worked a little bit on the same dress as yesterday. And when my stomach started to rumble, I decided it was time to see Gaius and Merlin.

I pass through the village, taking a deep breath. The smell of fresh bread passed through my nostrils. I missed Camelot. Even if I didn't live here all my life, it felt like it. Ealdor was the opposite of Camelot, it was little, quiet and could become boring since we were less than 10 people of the "young side". Camelot was big, running of life, you could meet new people every day, and you could never be bored between all the parties that the King would set.

Obviously I wasn't invited since I wasn't noble but the work that brings such events was horrendous for Lydia, so sometimes I helped her since apparently I am the most qualified in embroidery in town. And since she's now pregnant, she really needs all the help she can get. Being a seamstress is more of a hobby, I would say. I was at first Gaius' Apprentice when I arrived one year ago. But sometimes my imagination became reality. I've always liked to imagine sublime dresses, the only kind a princess would wear. Sometimes I even see in my dream my younger self, maybe 3 or 4 years old, standing in the arms of a beautiful woman with Y/H/C. She was always wearing sumptuous long dresses. Unfortunately, it was only a dream.

When I arrived at the front of the court physician, I knocked on the door and was welcome by a smiling Gaius.

« Come on dear » he said

« Thank you, Gaius, how are you? I hope Merlin didn't cause so much trouble » I asked pulling him into a hug

« I'm great, thanks on the other hand Merlin... »he replied and by the look of his face I knew something bad happened

« What did he do ? » I asked slightly worried

« Let's just say he needs to be more careful about using his gift and even not using at all » he said while chopping some herbs

« What happened, is he alright? » I asked, looking around the room, not seeing him anywhere.

« Don't worry, dear, I asked to bring some medicine to lady Percival and sir Olwen. And let's just say he saved my life yesterday. » He said in a calm voice

« You almost died?! »

« Just fell off from there » he said pointing, you could see that the barrier was broken. I couldn't say anything, I just stared at him with my eyes wide open
« And please can you teach him how to be more persuasive because if he act like this, if he's suspected of using sorcery he would be dead before finishing his sentence »

« I'll try my best, I need to go and find Gwen to know if Lady Morgana needs a new dress for the Banquet for Lady Helen. Could you tell Merlin to come by later? »

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