1.3 The Mark of Nimueh part 5

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Gwen was inspecting the flowers she gave Lady Morgana the day before, every one of them had turned white. Before she could find an explanation, the door of Morgana's chamber opened.

« Seize her. » The Prince ordered, and two guard who were behind him walked toward her, and took both of her arms, which made her dropped the flowers on the floor.

« Guinevere, I am arresting you for your crimes in contravention to the laws of Camelot, that you did practice enchantments. »

« Gwen? » Called Lady Morgana was completely confused by what was happening

« What have I done? I haven't done anything! Help me please! » She shouted as she was dragged away by the guards.

« What are you doing ?» Morgana asked Arthur

« I found a magic poultice in her house. » Arthur stated

« That's ridiculous » she responded

« How else do you explain her father's recovery? »

« She's innocent. I know she's innocent. »

« What can I do? I can't turn a blind eye. »

« No, please, Listen to me . Please, I haven't done anything wrong. » She shouted has she was dragged behind Arthur, who pretend to didn't hear her. « I'm innocent, I swear. Let me go! I swear to you » she continued.

Merlin was only a corridor away from her went to see what was the commotion, closely followed by Gaius

« Merlin! Merlin, please help me. Why won't you listen to me »the latest part being addressed to the guards and the Prince.

Merlin couldn't help her, or even walk behind her, Gaius was holding him back. And drag him away from prying eyes.

« Merlin, please » they could still both hear Gwen calling for the young boy.

« What have you done? » Gaius angrily asked Merlin when they both were back in the Physician's chambers.

« What ?»

« I warned you. Oh! I understand you thought you were doing good. »

« I couldn't let her father die knowing I could cure him. »

« Did you not think it might look a bit suspicious? The curing of one man? »

« Then all I have to do is... I'll cure everyone. No one will have to know it's magic » unknowing to both of them, the young woman who was trying to rest upstairs, heard the commotion and with the little force she had in her walk down the stairs. Her state was with than 2 hours before, she was paler, and she didn't even know if she could climb up the stairs again.

« It's too late. They think Gwen's a sorceress. They think she caused the disease.»

« Gwen a sorceress? I hope you're jesting » the familiar voice caused the both of them to turn their head in her direction. Gaius being the first one to help the poor girl sit down, who was only standing up thanks to the table in front of her. On the other hand, Merlin couldn't believe his eyes. His sister, His older sister, it felt like all her energy and vitality was sucked out of her. He slowly walked toward her.

« No! NO! You knew it, why didn't you tell me, I could cure her! »

« That's exactly the problem, you were so occupied to cure Gwen's father, you weren't here all day! How could I tell you? And cure her, are you mad! They would accuse her of being the sorceress, helping her friend's father and contract the sickness just enough time, so she wouldn't be accused! Uther is far from being smart when it comes to sorcery! » Gaius exclaimed while Merlin has his sister in his arms trying to contain himself. He had to be strong, if not for him, for her.

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