1.4 The Poisoned Chalice part 4

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As Arthur predicted we arrived in less than 3 hours in front of the forest of Balor. But the forest was so dense that we needed finish the trip by foot. Arthur get down first, and I went to get down but was surprise by him, grabbing my waist to help me down.

« Thanks » I muttered quietly.

« We shouldn't be that far, but stay close we don't know what surprise their could be other than the creature told us about. » he said to me and we walked to the direction of the presume cave, or at least where we think it is.

The mist started to invade the forest, and I was just hopping we wouldn't have to walk through it. It was so thick we couldn't see what was 10 meters ahead of us.

« I think the cave should be on the other side of this » He said

« Why is it always the most scary places we find what we need, like the creature that guarded wasn't enough » I said walking behind him which the horse next to me

« Don't tell me a little mist scared you? » he asked mockingly

« That's not the mist itself that scared me but more what's inside... » I said and he hold out his hand for me to take, and I did. No words was exchanged but he tightened softly my hand as to say 'everything will be fine' or 'I'm here'.

We walked for a few minutes through the mist and when we were out of it I felt his hand fell from mine

« See nothing to worry about » he said and I could practically feel myself missing his touch. It was really out of character for him to be so touchy even more with the situation we were before we left Camelot. But my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone crying.

« Hello ?» said Arthur. It was a young woman, she was sat on a log of wood, her dress was completely torn and she was hurt she has a scratch on her arm.

« Are you alright? » he asked her crouching down but before she could respond a roar was heard and a creature slowly approach us. « Stay back. » Arthur took his sword out of its shaft and approach the creature. But it quickly jumped at him.

« Arthur! » I exclaimed but fortunately he ducked down and when he turned around to face the creature he throw his sword, killing it.

«  Are you alright ? » I asked him, he nodded and walk toward us, at the look the women's face she was frightened by what happened, she frankly stood up and started to walk backward.

« It's alright. We're not going hurt you. Who did that to you? » he asked pointing to her arm

« My master »  she replied. I could feel my anger growing, how could anyone raise a hand on someone? And it also make me think about what happened with Valiant « I ran away from him but then I got lost. Please don't leave me » she pleaded

« We won't. We're not going to » I replied for the both of us. « I should probably check that up » I said pointing to her scratch she only nodded. I took the some bandage out of the satchel and poor some water on her arms making sure it was clean and then put the bandage on. « I don't think I can do anything better at the moment we kinda left in a hurry. »

« You can take me away from here ?» she asked Arthur.

« Not Yet. There's something we need to do first. » he replied looking Ahead of us. I didn't even paid attention, but we've found it, we've found the cave.

« Why have you come to the caves? » she asked Arthur, again.

« We're looking for something. It can only be found here. » he replied

« What is it? » she asked curious « I know this place. I could help you » she replied and now I was confused, didn't she said she got lost or is it my imagination?

« It's a type of flower that only grows inside the cave. It's very rare. » If it was the case Arthur would have said something, I was probably too in my head about what she said of her master.

« The mortaeus flower? I know where they are .» she replied but something was bugging me, something was off. « I'll show you » she said walking toward the cave. And before I find something to say to Arthur about this situation we were already lightning up the torches and walking deeper and deeper in the cave

« They there are » she said pointing to the yellow flowers on the wall in front of us, the only problem being an enormous chasm separating us from the wall. Arthur was looking for a passage to the flower but we were blocked

« Keep away from the edge. Don't worry we'll be out of here soon. » he said to her as we both approach the edge. But when we were the closer to the edge I could hear her whispered something louder and louder, a spell.

« what are you doing? » Quickly the platform we were started to fall and us with it Arthur quickly catch a rock of the wall that was inside of us but I wasn't so quick and fall a little bit more than him before I catch something to grip on.

« I expected so much more. »

« Who are you? » he asked her, and she slowly but her hood down.

« The last face you'll ever see. » Well technically I'm still here so whatever. But before anyone one of us could say anything else we heard something hissing

« Looks likes we have a visitors » she said and I saw Arthur move with difficulty from where he was to escape what was here. I started to climb the wall to be at Arthur level but it was hard the wall was humid. But I needed to hurry up I could hear hissing from below me. It wasn't good. Arthur was now holding himself up with one arm the other now taken by his sword. I was now practically at his level when something hiss and fell.

« A giant spider are you kidding me » I exclaimed looking at the woman

« Very good. But it won't be the last. I'll let his friends finish you off Arthur Pendragon. It's not your destiny to die in my hand. » she said before walking away leaving us .

« Who are you? » He asked again but was met only by silence.

« Hum Arthur do you think this spider of hell are going to attacked me too since she only threatened you or... »? I asked him but was met by an incredulous look « Okay I'll shut up and hurry up ». But it was too dark even if I was now next to Arthur I didn't have any energy left in my arms to continue, and I think it was the same case for him.

« Arthur I don'think I'm going to get out of here. » I said to him

« Don't say that we're both going to get out of here. » As he finish his sentence a ball of light appear ahead of us. This it. It was the end

« What are you waiting for. Come on then! Finish me off » He exclaimed but the ball didn't do anything on the contrary it was helping us find something to grip on. Arthur finally succeed to get on the platform and hold his arm for me take.

« Take my arm come on I know you can do it » he exclaimed. I took his arm and with the energy that left I pull myself up with his help.

« I'll take the flower you climb to the surface okay » he said to me. I try to object but he interrupted me « You go up to the surface do your hear me. Do not look back whatever it takes. » I nodded slowly taking him in my arms before climbing again. I was practically at the top when I heard hissing. Even more spiders were now also climbing in his direction.

« Arthur please hurry up » I said to him waiting at the top, the spider were going faster. As he was close to me I hold out my hand like he did to me and pulled him out but went a little to strong and pulled him completely on top on me.

« Ow » I winced, let said an armour is not very confortable to take in the stomach. « Do you have it? » he nodded and rapidly get up and help me to stand and we both hurry to find the horse we left at the entrance of the cave before rapidly going back to Camelot.

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