1.5 Lancelot intro

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Y/N woke up at dawn, she was so excited, in the next few days she will be helping giving birth to Lydia who was practically at term.
In the meantime she helped Lydia and John to prepare the venue of their little miracle. She started at the beginning of Lydia's pregnancy a beautiful blanket, incorporating patches of tissue of every dresses Lydia's made since the beginning of her pregnancy, so when the baby grew up they could see how much their mother is passionate and talented.  The blanket just needed two more squares of tissues and it no time it was done. Of course Y/N did it in secret knowing how much Lydia would throw a fit at how much she's spoiling her and the baby.
She just had the time to wrap it up with a ribbon before Lydia arrived.

« Well hello there » she said approaching Y/N
« Hello Mama how are you » she greeting her with the surname she recently came up, nodding to her stomach asking for permission to feel the baby. She put her hand on Lydia's stomach after she nodded back at her.
« Honestly tired, this little one didn't stop punching me the entire night. » she sighed, and it was true that the baby was active the moment she finished her sentence. Y/N felt them kicked, and a strong one.
« That's a good sign that's mean it for soon, but I can't promise they won't wake you up after giving birth. » She replied
« Oh I don't really worry about after. John is being completely overjoyed that they're finally out and he even proposed to take care of them every time they 'll woke up so I could rest. » Lydia's said mentioning her husbands. And Y/N have seen it of her own eyes, John was absolutely excited to see their baby. Being a carpenter he even built himself the baby's bed. Lydia even had to reprimand him for passing a whole night carving the head of the cradle
« What's this » she asked pointing to the wrapped blanket.
« I've been thinking that you needed some sort of a birth gift, even if you hadn't gave birth yet I think it could be useful for you and maybe after for the baby. » the young apprentice replied handing the gift to the future mother.

Lydia didn't waste anytime and tired up the ribbon and slowly unfold the blanket revelling at least 30 square of different dress, the first one being the one she gifted to Y/N when she accept the room in the back of the shop.

« This is absolutely beautiful » Lydia sighed happily with teary eyes and slowly took the young woman in her arms « Thank you so much darling »
« You know it's not a problem » she replied with a big smile on her face « I should probably get going I promised Gaius that I would sort out all of his herbs before noon » she said taking once more Lydia in her arms
« Go, and say hello to Gaius to me »
« Will do » Y/N replied, and left the the shop

On the Other hand Merlin, was commissioned by Gaius to search some herbs to make sure they had everything they needed. And as well some mushroom for diner. As he was picking up the mushrooms after checking they were a good size he put them in his basket, on that her sister made after he broke his last time, a shrieking song came from behind him.

He practically didn't had the time to stand up that an enormous creature came running at him, it was big and fast. He didn't left any second before running as fast as could. Unfortunately the forest ground isn't the smoothest ground and fell to the ground. As he tried to crawl back on his arms, he could now see clearly the creature. A sort of Big bird with legs. The creature tried to jump on him but before it could, a man jumped between the two with a sword trying to make the creature back off, leaving time for Merlin to get up with the help of a woman, she has dark hair and beautiful brown eyes but she was not like the other woman he had seen in Camelot, she wasn't wearing a dress like the others, no she was wearing trousers.

After murmuring a little thank you the both of them watch the man fight the creature .But when he strike the creature with the sword it did nothing, only causing the sword to shattered. The man looked completely surprised by that and turned around to face Merlin and the woman

« Run! Run » He yelled at them, and they all started running both of them taking Merlin's arms to be sure he was following them.
« Come on quicker » the woman yelled taking some advance from the boys, she was really fast thought Merlin. AQnd she was right they could here the creature just behind them they needed to speed up.

Just as they were about to leave the forest their was log of wood, they jumped over it and hid themselves hopping it would be enough to escaped the creature. And it did when they heard the shrieking sound coming from above them the creature was flying far away from them.

« It's gone » said quietly Merlin
« Well that was fun » muttered slowly the woman out of breath
« You saved my life » Merlin continued, ignoring the comment she made « I'm Merlin » he said extending his hand for the man to shake
« Lancelot » the man said before passing out.
« Well as he said he's Lancelot, and I'm Elina » she said shaking quickly Merlin's hand Before tending the wound on Lancelot's stomach.

After a quick examination, she glanced at Merlin.

« Do you know if there's a physician nearby he definitely need stitches and I don't have anything on me. » she asked
« Oh...um yes yes of course I'm sort of the physician apprentice. Let's go » he replied. They both took one of Lancelot's arms and put them around their neck and slowly made their way to Camelot.

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