1.3: The Mark of Nimueh part 2

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The physician put something out from under the sheet that covered one of the bodies. A vial with a white liquid in it, and he put it on top of a flame.

« What are you doing? » Merlin asked

« I'm examining the content of that man's stomach. » Gaius he replied.

« Will that tell you who did it? »

« No, but it might tell us how it's spread. One thing I do know, this is magic of the darkest kind. » Gaius explained adding some red liquid to the vial.

« Why would someone use magic like that? » Merlin wondered out loud

« Magic corrupts. People use it for their own ends. »

« But not all magic is bad. I know it isn't »

« It's neither good nor bad. It's how you use it. » Both of them were interrupted when the door opened revealing The Prince himself and some of his guards.

« Over there, » the blond man said, pointing to the right side of the chamber to one of his knights.

« I'm sorry, Gaius. We're searching every room in town. » The Prince explained

« What for? » The old man asked

« The sorcerer » he replied as the knights started to look everywhere in the room.

« And why would he be here? » Gaius asked slightly offended

« I'm just doing my job ».

« Well, we've nothing to hide. Go on, then search. » Obviously they didn't wait for Gaius' approval to start.

« What are these books and papers? » Picking up one of the books that was on the table.

« My life's work... dedicated to the understanding of the science. You're quite welcome to read through them if you wish. »

« What's this room up here ?» Arthur asked ignoring what have said Gaius about studying

« Uh... It's mine. » Merlin replied

« And what do you expect to find in there? » Gaius asked

« I'm looking for material or evidence suggesting the use of enchantments. » Arthur said walking up the stairs toward Merlin's chambers

« What have you done with the magic book I gave you? » Gaius looked at Merlin and panicked, and Merlin's face didn't calm him at all.

« Merlin, come here. Look what I've found. » Arthur called.
« I've found a place where you could put things. It's called a cupboard » he said, turning to Merlin who was relieved, but his eyes were searching for the book. And found it on the floor at the feet of the bed, a blanket covering it slightly. Seeing that the prince was occupied by the other books on his desk. He let the blanket fall on top of the book with his magic. Arthur bent down to look under his bed and found nothing except a lot of dust.
« What is this bed for? » He asked Merlin, pointing to the bed that was recently put on the other side of the room and was visibly unoccupied

« It's for Y/N, she thought about living the shop after Lydia, the seamstress has given birth »Merlin replied and was only replied by a nod by the prince, reminding him to go the shop to continue his search

« How long do you think it may be before you find a cure? » Arthur asked the physician back to the principal room

« Depends on how many interruptions I get » he replied annoyed

« Of course. I'm sorry. We're finished here » he said, calling back all the knights

« We have to hide that book. » Gaius said to Merlin after he closed the door behind the knights.

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