1.4 The Poisoned Chalice part 5

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I don't how we did it but we spent less time to go back to Camelot than we did when we left. As we approached the entrance of the city, the guards approached us or at least stopping us from entered.

« What are you doing? Let me pass » Say Arthur frustrated. We couldn't waste time. We needed to give Gaius the flower before it was to late
« I'm sorry Sir . You're under arrest » Said the guard « By order of the King » he finished. Arthur was the first to get down. But before he could help me, I was forcefully put down by a guard.
« Hey! Be careful » he said but was ignored, surely also an ordered of the King.

We were both guided to the dungeon Arthur being put at the far back and I in one of the first cell.

I was now alone, not able to save my brother. I sat down on the ground my knee to my chest waiting. Waiting for what? I didn't know. I was just scared to see Gaius right now, scared that it was really to late.
Not long after the King was here, first passing my cell without a glance and walk to Arthur's.
Obviously the cell not being completely closed, I could hear everything the king was saying, more yelling to his son.

« You disobeyed me » he exclaimed
« Of Course I did. A man's life is at stake. Do not let Merlin die because of something I did. »
« Why do you care so much? The boy's just a servant. » this make my blood boiled. We all knew that Uther had little importance to us servant but it never occurred to him that his son wasn't him.
« He knew the danger he was putting himself in and he knew what would happen if he drank from that goblet but he did it anyway. He saved my life. There's more. There was a woman at the mountain. She knew I was there for the flower. I don't think it was Bayard who tried to poison me. » he explaines
« Of course it was. » the king replied, and then there was a silence. I slowly get up and walk to the entrance of the cell trying to see what was going on. Arthur just took the flower from his pocket and hand it to his father.
« Gaius knows what to do with. Put me in the stocks for a week... A month even I don't care. Just make sure It gets to him. I'm begging you. » Maybe there was still hope, we just needed the King to give the flower to the king. But suddenly he crushed the flower.
« No! » Both Arthur and I exclaimed, the tears threatening to fall. It was over.
« You have to learn there's a right  and a wrong way of doing things. I'll see you're let out in a week. » he said leaving Arthur's cell « Then you can find yourself another servant. » he continued then throwing what rest of the flower to the ground.
« You are a monster » I said to him before I could stop myself,letting the tears go. He stopped in front of my cell before turning to me.
« If I was a monster, you'll be executed from treason, so be grateful. »
« How can I be grateful when you just sentence my brother to death for saving your son »
« Don't make me change my mind. » he finally said before leaving.

It was too much for me. The pain was too much. I let Merlin down, I'm his sister I was supposed to protect him, but I failed. I couldn't stopped the tears. When I'll came out or more If I came out . Merlin won't be there and this is my entire fault.
I heard movements in the cell next me probably Arthur's.

« I should have been the one drinking it » I said softly. The movement stopped.
« don't say that »
« But it's true . Maybe things would have gone differently »
« Yeah it would be you who's dying. No matter who drinks it, it could kill them, if it wasn't him it would have been someone else. »
« better me then him » i mumbled.
« Stop » he exclaimed
« What? it's simply the truth-«
« No stop saying things like this, like you don't matter, because you do, and to a lot of people. Merlin isn't the only one who can't lose you » he said. I couldn't see his face but I could hear how frustated he sound. After a few seconds of silence, I heard more movements and him grunting.
« The hell are you doing? » I said standing up and walking toward the entrance of the cell. He was laying down on his stomach, his arm through the bars of the cell trying to catch the flower. But his arm was to short, he couldn't reached it.
« Wait, try with a straw, maybe if you bend it on the end you could catch the flower. » he did what I instructed him, hopefully the straw is large and solid enough to bring it closer. Laying down and putting his arm through the bars once again, the straw was perfectly at it's level.
« Got it! » he exclaimed.
« Yes! » but now we had another problem...  « Now we need to find a way to bring it to Gaius. »

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