1.2: Valiant part 6

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The sun had long risen on Camelot, the sound of the knight Valiant sharpening his sword was the only sound that could be heard near the camp where he and the Prince were preparing themselves for the tournament that was going to take place only in a few hours. The said Prince, was in the arena rethinking about what had happened the night before, the guilt didn't leave him last night. And the few hours he could sleep, his mind was plagued with nightmares, seeing over and over again the hurt on the face of his friend.

But It was now time for him to prepare, having another servant to dress him, since he sacked the young warlock the previous night. All was in silence, and to Arthur's surprise he missed a little the young boy babbling. Fortunately for his ego, his thought was interrupted by Lady Morgana who made a sign to the servant to let them.

« Let me » she said, turning to Arthur, so she could finish attaching his armour. « I used to help my father with his armour » she said, answering the question she could make with the face of Arthur watching her every move. She then took his helmet which was resting on the table and handing it to him.

« Thanks »

« Arthur. If you need a little motivation, so you don't get killed, Valiant is the reason why Y/N is wearing a scarf, not a cold . Be careful.

« See you at the feast » He said, exiting his room. He was sure of one thing, if he had to die today, he would've made sure of killing slowing Valiant first. The anger was slowly transforming to incomprehension, why didn't she tell him? Was it why Sir Leon escorted you that night?. Too much question was flooding his mind, and it wasn't the time to be distracted. It was time for revenge. And he was going to make him pay for what he did, to Ewan, but mostly for you.

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Today was the tournament, and Lydia didn't let me stay at the shop, saying I would regret it if I wasn't there for him. But honestly, I doubt he wanted to even see me in the first place. I was standing by Leon, neither of us having the capacity to talk at the moment , our emotions being too high for what could happen today. And then it was the moment, the final of the tournament, Arthu- The Prince and Valiant both entered the Arena, under the applause of the public.

They were face to face in front of the king, putting on their helmet, ready to combat. And it begins. Looking around, I was searching for Merlin, I hadn't seen him since his altercation with A- the prince yesterday. I couldn't find him anywhere. Where was he? I asked myself.

Sensing my shoulder tensing next to him Leon, slipped his hand in mine clenching it 3 times, and I did the same.
The fight was brutal, but the prince had the wonderful idea to pull out his helmet of his head since Valiant already lost his. Was he crazy, he had even more chance to die now.

Valiant launched at him, Arthur protected himself with his shield, and took the opportunity attacked him, but his blow was defected by Valiant, who stepped on his foot and punch him with his shield. He was now on the floor and Valiant launched at him, stepping on his shield, so he wouldn't be able to protect himself, plunged his sword onto the floor, second missing Arthur's head. I could feel my grip tightened around Leon's as Arthur get up onto his feet. Valiant disarmed Arthur and push him onto the wall at the entrance of the arena. He was going to use the shield... and right now. I turned my face into Leon's chest, not wanting to see my friend being killed.

« What Merlin is doing here » I could hear Leon muttering. I looked where he was looking, and I could see him muttering something. He had found something, a spell to save Arthur, at least I hoped

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