1.2: Valiant part 3

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« I should probably go home, it's getting late» I said sighting to Gaius after my eyes left the door of Merlin's room

« You should stay here for the night, it's starting to get dangerous at this hour for you, I'm sure there's still some place in Merlin's room. »

« Don't worry about it Gaius it's only a little walk, plus with all the knights around here nothing is going to happen to me» I said, pulling the old man in my arms.

« Then if you're sure» he sighed

« I'm sure» I said, smiling at him.

After saying my goodnight to him, I made my way out and started walking in the direction of my« little home» like I like to call it. It was starting to get colder and colder in Camelot, and even worse at night. I cursed myself for not wearing something thicker. But my thoughts were interrupted as large arms around my waist pulled me in a little alcove and pinned me to the cold wall. I attempted to scream, but the assailant put his hand on my mouth to block any sounds coming out of it.

« Well, well, well, if it isn't the little lady who can't stop putting her nose in stuff that doesn't concern her. You thought you were discreet, shame that it was your H/C hair that has betrayed you. I have never seen hair like yours before, almost enchanting I dare say. I'm going to pull my hand off but if a single sound comes out of this mouth I'll kill you, got it? » He said looking at his belt where the dagger was ready. I nodded slowly thinking it was only a threat, but I was wrong, his hand was now on my throat.

« I'm going to be clear if you or the little servant tried to put your nose in my business again you're both dead, you hear me? » I nodded again, but I could feel his hand on my throat tightened and the hand that was still on my waist started to wander closer and closer to my breast.

« Good now let's have a little bit of fun shall we» I could feel my eyes' water as his hand started to grope my breast. I tried to fight him, but he was too strong.

« Nuh uh none of this, did you forget» I could feel his hand tightening, even I could barely breathe.

Unfortunately my clothes didn't stop him, his hand left my breast to my thigh under my dress, I could feel him starting to go higher and higher, Until it reach my undergarments

« Please.... Please no, I'm begging you» I whispered with all the force I could, my voice couldn't come out louder because of his hand. Tears were now rushing down my cheeks.

« Should've thought about it before princess» he muttered, forcing me into a kiss. It was a nightmare, I wanted it to be a nightmare and wake up and just live my life like it didn't happen. But as I tried to push him off of me, I could hear footsteps, and apparently I wasn't the only one. Valiant suddenly pulled away and quickly disappeared in the numbers corridors of the castle, leaving me here trying to calm my breath and my heartbeat as I fell to the ground. I pulled my legs to my chest, incapable of doing anything as I looked at the ground, I didn't even cry my eyes out. I just wanted to go home, have a bath, scrub all the places his filthy hands touched me, but I did have the force. I didn't realize the footsteps stopping and the person calling my name. My ears were ringing, I didn't even realize the person was here until I felt a hand on my shoulder which caused me to flinch and instinctively go back on my hands only to be stopped by the wall that was behind me.

« Please no.... NO! » I screamed when the person came closer

« Y/N it's me Leon» the person explain calmly

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