1.3: The Mark of Nimueh part 1

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I was called this morning by Gaius saying I needed to come with him and Merlin to town. One of the guards reported to him that a man fell down and never stood up, he didn't know if he just passed out or if it was worse, and decided that it was a good idea to leave the poor man alone in the street where everyone could see him.

When we arrived where the man was, he was on his stomach. Gaius slowly crouched down next to the men, his hands were pure white, and wasn't breathing, unfortunately.

« Aren't you scared? » Merlin asked him.

« Of what? »

« That you might catch whatever it is ». Gesturing on the body on the floor

« I'm the court physician, Merlin. This is part of my job. » Gaius replied and looked at me, seeing I was staying far from the body. No need to say that it wasn't what I was expecting to do this fine morning. « Most of the time there's nothing really to be scared of » he continued before pushing the man on his back.

If his hands were white, his face and his eyes were whiter, and his face was covered with blue veins.

« You were saying » I said to Gaius

« People mustn't see this. They'll panic » a little bit too late for that, it's like he is in the middle of the street I thought, taking a sheet that was drying close to me and covering the body with it.

As we were putting the body in a wheelbarrow to take it to Gaius's chamber to examine it, a silent conversation was happening between Merlin and me. Neither of us have seen something like this. And with all the books I've been studying with Gaius, the year prior to Merlin's arrival was talking about something like this. Or at least in the « normal » books.

At the door of the castle we were joined by Gwen. Obviously it wasn't the best time for this.

« What are you doing? » She asked, pointing to the wheelbarrow.

« Uh, just moving something. » Merlin replied and rushed to the back of the wheelbarrow to hide what was in it from the eyes of Gwen even if it was under a sheet, and I at the front to hide the feet which exceeded the wheelbarrow.

« Looks heavy »

« It's nothing really ».

« No need to worry about us Gwen, we have Merlin's strong arms » I winked at her remembering their first encounter. Merlin who was now blushing of embarrassment interrupted before Gwen could answer anything.

« Someone got you flowers ? » Merlin asked, trying to change the subject.

« Oh no... Would you like one? A purple one. Purple suits you, Not that I'm saying red doesn't suit you.» She said handing him a purple flower

« Thanks. Well... » Merlin said trying to find a place on his clothes where to put it and decided to put it on his scarf under his chin. Gaius looked at me and shook his head with a small smile. Yes, it was definitely painful to watch.

« And what about me? » I asked « I thought I was your friend too Gwen, well at least before Merlin stole you from me. » I pouted, a hand over my heart.

« Of course, you are » she started to come toward me, but I rapidly moved toward her, so the body was still out of her view « A purple one too, your favourite colour » she said, handing it to me and I directly put it in my hair.

« And now I'm perfect » I said , Gwen smiled at that but Merlin just snorted. I looked at him clearly saying if you don't stop now I will embarrass you again with the power of the older sister.

« Uh see you. » Merlin said promptly

« Bye » Gwen replied as we hurried to move the wheelbarrow.

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