Conclusion After The Attack

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I woke up and found a woman with white fox ears and a tail sitting to the right of me. I then sat up quickly and realized I wasn't in human form.

"You're finally awake". Kasumi said.

"Why didn't you kill me once you saw my true identity?" I asked.

"Because I can tell you're different than them". Kasumi said.

"That still doesn't change the fact that I am a vampire". I said.

"That's true, but you didn't attack me and you helped with the monster and demon attack yesterday". Kasumi said.

"So what now will you tell the Vampire Slayer Union or Hunters Union about me?" I asked worriedly.

"No, why would I do that to the woman I love". Kasumi said with a expression of affection.

"Do you know I am the Vampire Princess?" I said with a sad expression.

"No I didn't, but that still doesn't change the fact I love you". Kasumi said while getting closer to me.

"Why are you willing to accept who I am?" I asked.

"Because I love you". She said while kissing me.

When we were kissing I blushed more than I ever did before, but this time I didn't resist like the other times allowing her to kiss me as long as she wanted.

I started to feel a warm feeling in my heart. Ever since I became a vampire I have always had a cold feeling in my heart and no emotion, but now I feel a warm feeling which made me feel like I had someone that cared about me after losing everything I had and loved.

We then separated our lips after a moan and looked at each other with a smile on our faces.

"How do you feel?" Kasumi asked.

"I feel better, thanks". I said.

"Before you acted cold all the time, but now you seem happier. Why is that?". Kasumi said with curiosity.

"Before becoming the Vampire Princess, my family was killed and when I was on the demon continent I found out my childhood friend was a vampire all along". I said with a sad expression.

"I see you needed someone to be like family for you". Kasumi said with a smile.

"Yeah, I accept you as a sister, but not as a lover". I said with a smile.

"Why can't you be my lover?" Kasumi said while pouting.

"Heh-heh, I'm not ready yet". I said while smiling.

"OK, but I will make you love me". Kasumi said with determination.

"OK, I believe you" I said with a smile.

"You have to allow me to go on hunts with you though". Kasumi said forcefully.

"OK, you can come with me on hunts". I said with a smirk.

"Good". Kasumi said in happiness.

"Now to change the subject, what was the conclusion of the battle?" I asked curiously.

"There were 45 thousand casualties of hunters and vampire slayers, 55 thousand severely injured, 20 thousand with lost limbs, 10 thousand with minor injuries and 5 thousand with no injuries". Kasumi said.

"If there were 5 thousand with no injuries there, then why were you the last one on the battle field in front of the gate?" I asked with a peculiar expression.

"They were either inside the city for the last defense or healers saving the injured. I also had the most mana out of all of them, so I kept fighting in front of the gate". Kasumi said.

"Then what about the city?" I asked.

"The city was barely breached, the monsters and demons who breached the city were killed quickly and we withheld them from entering again, so all we need to do is repair some of the walls". Kasumi said.

"Oh I see". I said.

"Did you finish off the vampires who controlled the monsters and demons to attack us?" Kasumi asked.

"Yes I did". I said.

I was about to get up, but that is when I felt a load of pain from the injuries and expending my mana for a long period of time. Kasumi stopped me from getting up once she saw the pain.

"Don't get up, just stay in bed and rest. You expended yourself". Kasumi said worriedly.

"OK thanks". I said with gratitude.

"Yep". Kasumi said while leaving the room.

I then lied down and fell asleep with a smile on my face for once. This time fell asleep with peace in mind.

(A Vampire's POV)

A vampire was watching Clonshire City from a mountain peak. She saw Lily kill the vampires, monsters, and demons, but took no actions since her orders were to watch Lily and figure out her identity.

Yesterday, after Lily finished all the monsters and demons, she saw Lily's true identity and was utterly shocked at who she was.

"M-my Lady?" The female vampire said with a questioning expression.

She couldn't believe the sight she saw. Her Queen's daughter was rebelling against her own kin by killing vampires and their underlings, which made her entirely shocked.

"I-I got to report this to my Queen". Said the female vampire still slightly in a daze.

She decided to head back toward the Vampire Queen's Castle since she has completed her orders by finding out the identity of the culprit who most likely killed one of Magnolia's kin.

On her way back to the castle, she found no trouble so she made it there as quickly as possible. When she entered the castle, she headed straight toward the throne room.

The Vampire Queen was on her throne with a white and black dress, she still had her previous sad expression on her face. I entered the throne room and kneeled down in front of her.

"Fiona, What is the situation in Clonshire City?" Utsukushī no Lilith asked.

"The city is completely fine, just some repairs to the city walls are needed. The vampires, demons, and monsters have all been killed". Fiona said

"I see, then, have you figured out the culprit who killed Magnolia's kin?" Utsukushī no Lilith asked.

"Yes, we have found the person who fits the culprit's abilities, but there is a problem". Fiona said

"What's the problem?" Utsukushī no Lilith asked.

"The culprit is your daughter". Fiona said with a cold sweat on her face.

"How can this be possible?" Utsukushī no Lilith asked in shock.

"I don't know, but she was using some type of recognition inhibitor skill, so I could only see her true identity after she collapsed, which deactivated the skill". Fiona said.

"Are you sure that it was my daughter?" Utsukushī no Lilith asked.

"Yes, you know how good my eye skills are". Fiona said.

"OK, but why would she rebel and start killing her kin and underlings?" Utsukushī no Lilith asked.

"She must have her previous personality left". Fiona said.

"Makes sense, send vampires to capture her alive". Utsukushī no Lilith said.

"Yes my Queen". Fiona said.

She then left the throne room shortly after and started following her Queen's orders right away.

Chaos Mana User - Reborn As The Vampire PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now