Saving Kasumi

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"She isn't your mistress, she is just corrupting you."

"You're lying, my mistress is the most kind woman I know. She wouldn't ever corrupt me."

'If I want to free her from order, I have to use the same amount of mana as the amount of order within her body.' I thought I sensed the order energy within her. 'Sigh, I guess I have no choice but to infuse my mana into her, while using life magic to keep her from dying.'

She bolted towards me, summoning two katanas, to which I responded by vanishing from my spot, appearing next to her, karate chopping the back of her neck.

'I'm sorry, Kasumi.'

She lost consciousness and began to fall to the ground, so I caught her, preventing her from falling.

'Now I'll bring you back.'

I infused chaos into her body as the order within her started to resist the chaos from entering her body. I increased the output, forcing order back as some of it began to dissipate.

'Giving her order resistance will be better than just removing it from her body,' I thought. 'But in order to do that, I'll have to manipulate the order within her to inflict wounds. which I don't want to do, but it has to be done. '

I manipulated the chaos within her body to force the order out of its controlling state and attack Kasumi from within. To ensure she wouldn't be severely injured, I activated [Life Magic].

"Mnnnnghhhh." She groaned in pain.

Even though I was doing this for her, I still felt pain in my heart as some tears formed in my eyes.

'I'm sorry, but this is the best way to protect you from Lilith.'


The golden white energy constantly inflicted wounds, while the life magic repaired them instantly, making sure she didn't feel the pain for too long.


Soon, a few minutes passed with her seeming to be on the verge of waking up due to the pain.

I increased the damage inflicted on her with the pain in my heart increasing. I wanted her to acquire a resistance to it before she woke up.


'I'm so sorry, Kasumi. I hope you forgive me for doing this, but this is for your own good.'


I increased the output further, allowing the order within her to slice open her internal organs, which were then closed and opened again continuously.


Her eyes flashed open and she gripped my neck, attempting to strangle me to death.

"That doesn't work on me."

She began struggling to get out of my embrace, but was unable to as the knife sliced her internal organs again.


Once she came to, she looked me in the eye, flashing an expression of confusion and happiness.

"I'm so glad you're back. Let me heal you quickly."

Her wounds quickly healed, leaving not even a scar.

"What happened?"

"The vampire queen got to you and corrupted your mind." Tears began flowing down my cheeks as I fell into her embrace.

"I see, but why are you crying?"

"I-I hurt you. I'm sorry."

"You did it in order to help me build a resistance to order, so I'm not mad."


"Yes, and don't blame yourself for failing to save me, either. There was nothing you could have done."


"No buts, stop thinking about what you could've done and be glad of the fact that you saved me."

"Alright. But order energy is still inside you. Do you want me to cleanse it for you?"

"No need. I've gained immunity to it since the pain I felt from it, so it doesn't affect me at all but strengthens me."

"Oh... I see."

I leaned in for a kiss, which she accepted immediately. She began licking the insides of my mouth.


She wrapped her hand around my waist, so I did the same.


I subconsciously began shaking my hips, as I enjoyed being kissed by Kasumi.

"Please refrain from making out, you two. In the first place, we are still in the midst of a war, and second, you two are doing it in front of billions of others."

I pulled away and noticed Kimiko pouting with her arms crossed, giving us a death stare.

We both blushed as we realized that what she said was true.

"Sorry." We both replied.

"It's fine. You two haven't been together for a few years now."

"What do you mean by a few years?" Kasumi asked, curiously.

"Lily was meditating in the god realm for four years, which is equivalent to a year here."

"I see. Let's finish these monsters off first."

"Don't bother; let us handle them while you deal with Lilith." Goro said, appearing next to us.

"You sure?" Kasumi asked.

"I'm sure."


We disappeared from our spot, appearing within the vampire queen's castle.

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