Twilight Zone

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I soon found myself passing through the void in a space tunnel.

"What is the Twilight Zone, system?" I inquired of my system internally.

[Twilight Zone] - A zone that exists between the physical world and the soul realm. Soul demons are fought in this zone.

"I guess that makes sense." I contemplated as I neared the end of the space tunnel.

I emerged from the space tunnel into a black-and-white world, with black symbolizing the ground and white representing the sky, albeit there was a white moon visible through the Black Sea we stood upon and a black moon in the sky, akin to the Yin and Yang sign.

"I'm guessing you asked your system for the Twilight Zone's description?" Aalka inquired with a wicked grin on her face.

"I did, but it doesn't matter; can we just get this over with?" I inquired, my face solemn.

"Impatient much, but we really need to get this over with." With a smile on her face, Aalka said.

From walking position we flash stepped towards each other, with her holding two blood katana in both hands, while I formed a blood scythe and swung it toward her neck.


My attack was closer because my scythe had a greater reach, forcing her to alter her trajectory and dodge my scythe.

She threw three needles the color of a galaxy with the momentum she acquired from dodging my scythe.

Alarm bells began to sound in my head as soon as the needles were a few meters away, warning me that if this hit me, I'd be fatally wounded.

I attempted to activate teleportation, but the needles interrupted it. Since I didn't have time to avoid it, I had no choice but to bear the brunt of it.

I activated [Disruption] and slashed the two daggers I produced at the three needles in a quick concession, but the needles intertwined space, changing its direction, but I was able to disrupt two of them before they hit me.


When the needle made contact with my arm, it started consuming everything within an 8-centimeter radius before exiting the other side of my arm, leaving a semicircle shaped wound and the rest of my arm being torn off.

I didn't feel any pain, which I believe was due to my resistance, but I still had a severed arm, which made things much more difficult.

Since she could also utilize my skills, I double-check my skills, assuming I had the needle skill as well.

[Space Needle] - A skill that conjures three needles that, when thrown, consume anything within a certain radius when they make contact with the opponent's body. Increases radius and amount of needles per 10 levels.

[Soul Immunity] - For as long as the user wishes, all pain, damage, and persuasion to the soul is blocked. If the user so desires, the skill can be deactivated.

Limitation: If the user's will to fight their opponent is weakened, the skill will weaken, allowing their opponent to possibly influence or hurt the user's soul.

"That explains how she was able to persuade me. After a high-stress combat, she exploited my mental vulnerability, allowing her to take control of me." I was thought to myself.

Aalka then flashed stepped and appeared in front of me and wielding two chaos daggers, one aimed at my temple and the other at my throat.


I deflected one of her daggers with my own dagger I created and dodged the other before kicking her in the stomach and sending her backwards a few meters.

I then flashed stepped while forming chaos spikes that punctured her foot, causing her to lose her footing in panic, which I then used to slash at her with my katana, producing a large laceration across her chest.

The chaos aura radiated across her wounds, enlarging them and rendering them unhealable.

Before she restored her balance, I attempted another attack, but she regained her balance faster than I could attack and sidestepped, allowing her to avoid my attack.

I shifted the trajectory of my slash and aimed for her neck while maintaining my momentum.


She twisted her body in mid-air, conjured a dagger in her hand, and deflected my katana, sending her flying backward.

She flashed stepped at me as soon as her foot made contact with the ground, throwing three space needles at me and forming two chaos katanas in her hands.


I threw three space needles at the three needles thrown at me, causing small sparks to erupt and the six space needles to consume each other until none remained.

After I got rid of the space needles, she arrived behind me with her two katanas aimed at my vital areas.

I leaned forward and sidestepped before once again conjuring three space needles and throwing them at her.


She couldn't evade the three space needles being thrown at close range, creating three 8-centimeter large holes in her chest, abdomen, and left thigh.


Because Aalka's had not yet completely consumed me, she was unable to get the resistances that I possessed, thus she bore the brunt of the pain.

I flash stepped to the left of her and kicked her in the stomach. She seized my foot and twisted it out of place before trying to throw me.


Before she could throw me, I grasped her neck and pulled it up with the force of her throw, causing cracking noises to be heard from her neck and spine.

She panicked and conjured three space needles, which I avoided by flipping my body over hers, allowing her to break free from my grip on her neck, so I formed a chaos blade which extended from my kneecap and struck at her cervical spinal cord.(A/N - The cervical Spine is the neck region of the spine)


*Pfff!, Crack!

She was completely paralyzed from the neck down, unable to move anything besides her neck and head, when her cervical spinal cord was severed.

"It seems that this is over." While looking down at her with frigid eyes, I said.

"If you kill me, I'll come back and kill Kasumi." With a grin, Aalka stated.

"So even if I kill you, it'll only increase the time I have till you kill Kasumi, right?" I said, my face tense.

"Yes, I've integrated with your vampire side, and when the time comes, I'll kill Kasumi." Aalka stated confidently.

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