Lust Demon

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(Kasumi's POV)

I woke up around 5 a.m. to find Lily gone. I was puzzled as to where she had gone, so I looked around the room and found no trace of her.

I decided to ask the receptionist where she went after examining the room, so I walked down the corridors to the lobby.


When I entered the lobby, I noticed that a different receptionist than the one who had welcomed us the day before was at the desk.

"Do you have any idea where Lily was last night?" I inquired of the receptionist as I approached her.

"Are you referring to a woman of average height with silver hair and blues?" The woman smiled in response.

"Yeah that's her." I answered, relieved, since if she knew her, she had to know where she had gone.

"She went for a walk around the city last night to clear her head and hasn't returned since." With solemn look, the receptionist said.

"Thank you; I'll go find her." She remarked this as she walked over to put her shoes.

I returned the key and strolled over to the entrance after putting on my shoes and returning the slippers.

"I'm hope you can find her." With a smile, the receptionist stated.

"Thank you," I said as I walked out the door.

I descended the mountain and began looking for her. I began walking through the city, which was already bustling with activity, but this didn't disturb me because I knew her scent and aura.

I knew it would be difficult to find her fragrance among the thousands of people, but I kept looking until I found something.

Soon after, I detected her scent, which looked to go to a nearby roof, but when I jumped up, I observed that the roof was cracked from what appeared to be a fight.

I started tracking the scent, which quickly led to a dead end, but I did see some indications of spatial magic, so I made an empathic space tether, which I immediately felt connected to someone not far away.

[Empathic Space Tether] - A skill that was created by combining empathic with spatial coordinating tether. Allows the user to teleport to anyone with whom he or she shares empathy through a spatial crack.

Restriction: Users are not allowed to construct their own spatial cracks, but they can use those that have recently closed or formed.

Skill Creator: Kasumi

The space crack was closed, so once [Empathic Space Tether] was activated, the space crack began to open, but seemed a bit unstable, while opening.

The spatial crack began to stabilize itself once it was completed opening, before becoming totally stable a few seconds later.

My eyesight blurred as I entered the spatial crack, and I found myself in front of a swarm of monsters attacking a woman with silver hair, cold crimson eyes, black and red wings sprouting from her hips, and wearing what appeared to be a Lolita yakuta that was now covered in blood.

"Lily." I yelled loud enough for her to hear me, which she did, but when she glanced at me, all I saw was a cold glare with no emotion.

She drained the blood out of every monster she killed, leaving fang marks around their neck. Many monsters had their libs torn from what appeared to be her nails, although no weapon appeared to have been used in the monster slaughter.

All of the monsters were killed and their blood sucked dry soon after, but Lily appeared to still be thirsty, as she looked at me with thirst, but I realized what had happened to her: her loathe for her vampire side must've created an inner demon, which had consumed her, turning her into a mindless vampire who kills and sucks the blood of all living creatures.

"I know you're tough, Lily, Break through the chains that are binding your soul and return to me." Kasumi said this while attempting to Convey her words to Lily through the darkness surrounding her.

Lily teleported behind Kasumi, her razor-sharp nails aimed at my limbs, to cripple me and make drinking my blood easier.


I summoned my katana and positioned my arm behind my back to intercept her assault before she could cut off my limbs. Despite the fact that the force of her hit nearly broke my defense, I was still able to deflect her attack and cause her to miss completely

She pivoted and used the opportunity to counterattack, aiming for my calf, which I deflected with my second summoned katana, but this time I diverted the force away from me, keeping my defensive intact.


"If I kill you, Lily will be saved." With a nasty smirk on her face, the Aalka spoke via Lily's mouth.

"You vile demon, don't speak out of her mouth." Kasumi screamed as she slashed Lily with her katana.


By injecting mana into her arms, the inner demon stopped my attack, causing sparks to flare from the impact.

"You know you're going to kill Lily if you kill me." With a sinister and seductive grin, Aalka said.

"A Lust type inner demon, who appears to be a Succubus and the worst type, seduced their victims with seductive words and actions, consumed her." Kasumi pondered, her face concerned.

They have seven different types of inner demons, each of which represents one of the seven sins: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth.

A lust demon possesses incredible strength, but when they consume their victim, they start out weak, therefore it's essential to kill them as soon as possible before they grow stronger and cause catastrophic civilization-wide losses.

"I see you figured out what kind of inner demon I am, but that's irrelevant because nothing changes." While massaging Lily's breasts, Aalka moaned.

"Stop doing filthy things to her body." Kasumi exclaimed, her face flushed with rage.

"Why should I stop when they feel so good in my hands and are the ideal size?" With a beguiling grin, Aalka uttered.

I attacked again to get her to stop caressing Lily's breasts, which she did and deflected my attack.

"Now I'll kill you so Lily's last piece holding me back will dissolve, allowing me to be reborn." With a seductive grin, Aalka giggled.

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