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"What is happening?" I inquired, her face befuddled.

I tried moving my arm back, which it did, and then forward, but it came to a halt in the same spot as before, suspending it in the air and preventing me from moving it any further.

"Let's try moving my arm in a different angle." I muttered under her breath.

Instead of moving forward, I moved my arm downward from above her neck, but it came to a halt quickly, suspending my arm in the air.

I tried various trajectories after that, but they all ended with my arm coming to a halt, suspended in the air inches from Kasumi's neck.

"Will my hand come to a halt before it reaches Kasumi's body if I try to assault somewhere else on her body, or does it only apply to her neck, which I guess I'll do next since I want to finish this quickly?" I muttered to myself, slightly annoyed.

I began testing my theory, but the same thing happened every time I stretched my arm in various directions: it came to a halt, suspended in mid-air, as if an invisible wall was impeding my progress.

"So I can move my arm away from Kasumi without problem, but I can't bring it close enough to Kasumi before my hand comes to a halt and I can't move it any further, but I've just used my arm to attack, so maybe if I use other limbs it would work." I said that with a glimmer of hope in my eyes.

I tried extending my other arm towards Kasumi, but it came to a halt as soon as it got inches from from her body, exactly like it had before.

"Since neither of my arms work, let's try my leg." With a devilish smirk, I said.

I extended my slender leg towards Kasumi, but it came to a halt inches from her body, as it had done previously, so I tried the same with my other leg, which had the same outcome.

"Since my limbs can't make contact with her, let's try something else." I said, licking my lips with a seductive smile.

I tried every approach I could think of, but they all ended with me halting inches from Kasumi.

"If I can't physically attack her, what if I use magic to attack her from afar?" I muttered as I was becoming increasingly frustrated.

I walked a few meters away from Kasumi and turned around, mana coursing through my body and forming a fireball in my palm.

"Let's see if my attack is halted this time." With a confident grin, I said, while launching the fireball towards Kasumi.


A black and silver light erupted around the fireball as soon as it was thrown and engulfed it before dispersing until there was nothing left.

"So black and silver energy dissolved it, comparable to my own chaos mana, but I don't sense anyone nearby who could make such energy, which is strange. Wait Is it possible?" I remarked this as I realized one possible cause of everything.

I started scanning Lily's soul world, where Lily was meant to be imprisoned in black soul chains deep within her soul's darkness, but when I looked closer, a section of the darkness had changed to a white and black.

(Soul World, Lily's POV)

During the fight between Aalka and Kasumi, the green light began to consume the darkness, transforming it into my own white and black domain. With each piece consumed by the green light, I felt myself regaining control over my body.

I could see out of one of my eyes soon enough, although it was cloudy. The more it consumed, the better my vision became, until I could finally see clearly.

Soon after, I felt I had some control over my legs and arms, so I used them to stop Aalka from killing Kasumi. I was also able to gain greater control over other portions of my body, which I also utilized to stop Aalka.

The same thing happened to my mana, which I had used to disintegrate Aalka's fireball.

A woman with large breasts, pointed ears, silver hair flowing down her back, purplish pink small succubus wings sprouting out from her shoulder blades, a purplish pink succubus tail emerging out from her tail bone, purplish pink small horn protruding out from the top left of her head, and crimson eyes with a small ranging protruding from the left side of her mouth materialized in the soul world.

"It appears that you were able to break free from those soul chains, and now you're interfering with me." Aalka responded with an astonished expression.

"Does it matter whether I interfere with you or not?" I inquired, my face solemn.

"I was so close to escaping the internal prison I was held in, but you had to break free of my soul chains, which should've been impossible in your current state." Aalka expressed her displeasure.

"So?" With a cold expression, I said.

"If I hadn't been imprisoned by Hades, I'd be free to feast on men and women's life force all I desired, but he had to confine me in the soul realm as a Soul Demon, which had a low probability of manifesting as someone's inner demon." Aalka murmured, her face sad and irritated.

I ignored Aalka as she began rambling about her troubles, which I obviously didn't care about, so I continued to consume the darkness in my soul world.

"There is only one method for me to consume you again, because persuading you and confining you in the darkness bounded by the soul chains is no longer possible, thus the only other alternative is for me to win a fight in the Twilight Zone." Aalka replied, her face brightening slightly.

[Inner Lust Demon Aalka has challenged to fight you in the Twilight Zone]

"I accept." I said with a cold expression.

[The host has accepted to fight]

[The host will be transported to the Twilight Zone]

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